meeting monsters(Montropolis)

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After picking Donald and goofy up from the mysterious Tower they arrive at another world This was another special one because now Sora's a gray striped creature with his black and red jacket and red fins for hair, Donald is a blue with one cyclops eye, Goofy's green with his eyes bigger, Arc has white reptilian skin with horns in his hair and his brown left eye a dragon's eye Yasuke has cat like skin and cat like face and two vampire like teeth and a tiger's tail and Derrick with bull horns and six eyes with sharp teeth.

They were walking up to a large building with an M logo, when Sora, Donald Derrick and Goofy jump back and get their weapons ready.

Sora: (realizes their appearance) what...? D-Donald... Goofy... Arc...Yasuke...Derrick Why do you guys look like monsters?

Donald: you do, to.

Goofy: well, ya scared me.

Derrick: This is AWESOME I look like El Chupacabra

Arcturus: from the looks of things, this must be another one of those special worlds. (Looks at his horns and tail) though, I wasn't expecting to look more dragon-like here.

Yasuke: nor I cat like (see's his tiger tail) with a tiger's tail

Sora: (looks at his hands) seriously? Is this how we blend in here?

Donald: that's right. It's about time you caught on.

Sora: could you guys take a few steps back? You're giving' me the heebie-jeebies.

Donald: (angered) you take a step back!

Arcturus: calm down, children.

Yasuke: yeah Donald stop making an idiot of yourself

Derrick: this is why I don't travel with a duck

Goofy: come on, I think our new look could turn out to be lost of fun!

Arcturus: yeah! So, stop complaining and let's get to work. (Walks to the building) "We Scare Because We Care."

Donald: that's odd.

Goofy: doesn't sound very caring.

Yasuke: this must be on how they run their business. Let us go inside and ask around.

Sora: sure thing, Yasuke.

With that, the six headed to the front entrance. When they entered inside, they saw two monsters playing with a little girl. One was big with blue fur, purple polka dots, and two small horns (Sulley), and the others was round and green, two skinny arms and legs, one eye and two horns (Mike). The kid's name was Boo

Sora: oh no!

Boo then pokes out and points at the gang, causing Sulley to turn around and see them.

Sulley: hmm? I wonder who those guys are.

Mike: what!? Careful, Sulley. If they see the K-I-D...

Sulley: it's fine. We got nothing to hide.

Mike: but you're the CEO! You set the example. (Sulley shrugs and sets Boo down)(runs ahead and panics) guys! Guys, it's not what it looks like. Okay listen. That kid over there just popped out of nowhere! We gotta call the CDA. Uh... It's a...uh... Oh yeah, a Code 835.

Sora: (points Keyblade) are you trying to scare that little girl?

Mike: yes! (Realizes something) I mean, no no no! We're done with scare power. Nobody's gettin' scared.

Sulley: (chuckles) Mike, take it easy.

Arcturus: (notices how Boo behaves around them) hey Sora, the kid doesn't look to be in any danger.

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