the Samurai and the god of war

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*World map*

Yasuke was checking out his new powers he summons lightning in one hand and summons Ice in the other he then sees his reflection on the mirror to see himself with a mustache and beard much like his father he then went to the others who was shock to see Yasuke's facial hair

Derrick: whoa what the shit when did you get the whiskers

Yasuke: I do not know I just found out I have one

they then hear Yasuke's Gummi phone ring Yasuke answers this to see Lord Atyeo

Yasuke: Lord Atyeo (sees his serious look) 

Lord Atyeo: I am afraid we have terrible news but first is Arc among you

Yasuke: no he's with his girlfriend going on missions why

Lord Atyeo: cause it involves his mother and his home

Yasuke: what do you mean (sees Lightning's body) oh gods is she

Lord Atyeo: it is alright she can be resurrected but you will a certain power from the goddess Freya she will teach you the power in Midgard but be mindful of the dangers that await you thier say nothing to Arc for if he found out of his mother's death(pauses for a moment then sighs) well you know

Yasuke: sigh yes lord Atyeo (hangs up)

Derrick we're gonna pick up her body first

Yasuke: Yep

With Ataru

Ataru: (observing the battle) Interesting not even the son of Odin is a match for him(turns to Cronos) what do you think Cronos

Cronos: Arcturus may be the only one who can kill me, but even I'm not stupid enough to fight the Ghost of Sparta. Still, it was good entertainment.

Ataru: true well no matter I will have the other three dragonstones lucky for me Arc's mother had one of them so well we both know how it went (shows lightning's sword and one of the dragonstones) though the women didn't even put up much of a fight anyway

Cronos: what!? You dumbass! Do you realize what you've done!? irreverent. Are you even aware of what you nearly unleashed!? Now I have to make some corrections to save your fucking ass!

Ataru: (chuckles evilly) calm yourself speedster besides you did kill Yasuke's mother did you not and for what purpose to make him suffer and besides she has chosen this fate and besides as long as I got what I wanted I am satisfied

Cronos: I don't care about your stone, nor of your goals! Unlike Yasuke, Arcturus is more powerful since he can tap into both Shiro and Kuroi. Hell, he hasn't even unlocked his true power, that even triumphs over both of them combined. Have you ever wondered why exactly I haven't killed Lightning or even other closest to him? Because he's close to breaking! I've seen it in a few timelines where he gives into the power, where he chooses a path that brings down all "evil" across the universe, and even destroyed you! And that kind of reality is one, I will not let another achieve! So unless you want to deal with that, I'm going to get the stone and make sure we don't have to deal with that craziness.

Ataru: true but so is Yasuke for unlocking the golden samurai and gifted with power of thunder by lord Raiden and to be the next protector of the realms and another thing they will try and they will fail for the only weapon that can kill me is the sword of my rival brother Atyeo and another thing I am en elder god After Shinnok gave me his power though I do believe that the samurai speedster is planning to resurrect her though I do not care and neither should you (sees Kratos leaving) now if you excuse me I have a dragonstone to kill for and if you want the other two stones the other two people to get them from is one My brother two King Drego both powerful warriors and god

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