go go Samurai(power rangers samurai)

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After Arcs battle at Midgar they all meet At Mysterious Tower where Lord Atyeo and Yin Cid where waiting

Yasuke: you asked for us Lord Atyeo?

Lord Atyeo: yes its about time you and Arc both knew more of Ataru (Sigh) before you were born Ataru wanted to conquer all of the realms but me along with four others Drego, Kratos, the dragonborn (turns to Arc) the last was you father Tyr


it begins with young Atyeo in white samurai armor with Tyr in dragon form along with Kratos and Drego fighting Ataru and his army while the Dragonborn Fought Alduin

Drego: Ataru is to powerful we need a pull back

Atyeo: hold old friend we will find a way to stop him

Kratos: we cannot hold him

Tyr: don't lose hope guys i'm coming

Tyr attacks Ataru in his dragon form he and him fought Keyblade vs Katana strike after strike Ataru manege to take Tyr's arm off wounding him before Ataru could end Tyr chains suddenly appeared and caught Ataru

Ataru: no(glares at Tyr) what did you do to me!?

As the chains dragged Ataru to the depths Ataru grabbed onto Tyr's shirt

Ataru: I swear to you Tyr I will have my vengeance for this all you hold dear will die for this

Lord Atyeo: and will be waiting brother

Ataru and his army then disappears to the depths the four see four dragon scale like gems in different color (the Dragonstones) the four each took one knowing Ataru will return

Flashback ends

Lord Atyeo: after that battle Tyr lock Ataru army in the very depths of the netherelm only after Tyr died Ataru escaped and is gathering his full strength by recruiting his old servants from other realms

Arcturus: so thats why he wants to kill me (Lord Atyeo nods his head yes) but why would you give me the Dragonstone

Lord Atyeo: if all four of them are taken they will have the power to Resurrect Ataru's dragon servant Alduin the world eater only the dragonborn can kill him

Derrick: Dragonborn who would name him that?

Lord Atyeo: That Dragonborn is Yasuke's Grandfather Zhao Liang (sees them shocked) but now is not the time we must stop him from gathering his strength go now and may the elder gods protect you and may your hearts be your guiding key

with that he vanishes in lightning and Yasuke went back to the Gummi ship and Arc to the Firefly

With Ataru and the Organization XIII

Ataru: three gems down one to go

Luxord: and what will you do with them when you have all for

Xemnas: he plans to resurrect his dragon servant

Demyx: you mean the world eater

Ataru: Yes that would be him

Xaldin: I'm going to guess that you have other servants to do that for you 

Ataru: No Only I can resurrect Alduin and further more the next time Cronos dares defies me he will be the first to feel Alduin's wrath 

Cronos: (flips him off) Try me bitch you know you can't kill me

Ataru: (glows with shadow and chuckles) on second that I have better use for you

Cronos: wait what?

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