Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

A/N: By the way, Katara's mom is alive in this. This is mainly to add a new dynamic to their relationship. Honestly I'm not a huge fan of this chapter but it is what it is. Next chapter will start the combat I promise. While you wait for the chapter, you should check out my other story 'The Avatar's Waterbender', (Yes, that was a shameless plug). Anyways let me know what you think, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender or any of its characters!


After their talk Aang and Katara made their way down to the practice field to meet their friends. When they arrived Katara made her way up into the stands to sit with Mai and Suki, but not before leaving Aang with a quick peck on the cheek.

"Glad you're here, I already have a feeling we'll need a healer!" Suki said with a laugh.


"Hey, Toph, are you competing too?" Aang asked as he walked to the center of the field.

"Nope, I'm just here to beat you lily livers to a pulp!" Toph replied, pounding her fist into her open palm with an evil smirk on her face.

"Yeah, Toph now that I think about it, why aren't you competing. You love fighting and you love victory even more." Sokka asked.

"Well for one, if I was competing then the competition wouldn't even be entertaining. Not to mention if I was to compete, I'm sure my parents would show up, and that's the last thing I want." Toph said, looking down at the ground.

"Trust me, I know what you mean." Zuko said, scowling into the distance.

"Okay, enough with the feelings. I'm ready to punch some people!" Toph said, cracking her knuckles while chuckling.


A couple of days passed with the same schedule everyday. Aang would wake up extra early to go for a run and take a shower. He would walk with the group to eat breakfast, suffer through his classes, go to the gym after class to do regular workouts, head to the practice field to practice his bending, eat dinner with his friends, and then in the dead of night he would sneak out of his room to practice bending the other elements to keep from getting rusty. He was pushing his body to new levels and it showed.

Aang walked into his room after finishing up in the gym and the practice field. He was sore, his body ached, and his muscles were stiff and tense. He opened the door to find nobody there. He closed the door, grabbed a pair of shorts and underwear and walked into the bathroom. He turned on the shower. He grabbed his razor and quickly cleaned up the stubble starting to form on his face. After he was done, he stepped under the now warm water. He let the steam and warm water relieve his tension. He drifted off into a form of mediation and didn't even notice when the door to the dorm opened.

There was a knock on the door followed by a sweet voice, "Aang, are you in there?"

"Yeah, sweetie, it's me. I'll be out in a second. He responded.

He quickly ran some soap through his hair, washed his body, and rinsed all of the soap away. He turned off the shower, stepped out, and grabbed a towel. He dried his body but decided to let his hair air dry. He threw on the underwear and shorts. Hung up his towel and stepped out of the room. He glanced over to see Katara sitting on his bed and walked over to her. She stood up and met him halfway, pulling him into a hug and kissing him softly on the lips. Aang returned the kiss and they remained this way for several minutes, just enjoying each other's company. Aang walked them back over to his bed and sat, back against the wall, with her lying against his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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