Cake (AU) | Mary "The Bloody Queen"

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Okay here we go! An angsty Mary x gender neutral reader with 2499 words! There are quite a few historical inaccuracies but at this point who cares, it's just fanfic lol. Enjoy!

Warnings: Graphic death (at the end)

The queen was becoming more social, you noticed. The grand, annual balls that brought multiple royal and noble families together became monthly and, soon enough, weekly. You were glad Mary had a way to de-stress from her undoubtedly difficult monarchical duties, but she's been turning a blind eye to the pleads of her people. The citizens of Mary's kingdom were suffering - mothers and their children were starving on the street, all while fathers were begging for work in order to provide for their families. Civil and political unrest was evident outside the castle walls when you had gone out earlier that week, and it broke your heart to see.

It hurt you even more to hear what these distressed people were saying about Mary. They were saying she was selfish, a promiscuous traitor to the country. A woman so immersed in her own pleasures and interests that she was willing to see the downfall of her own kingdom. None of it was true, of course. You had practically grown up with Mary, remaining childhood friends despite the clear social and economic divide between the two of you. You were nothing more than a peasant, a child of land workers who plowed the fields, yet somehow you had managed to catch Mary's eye. You knew Mary, you knew that these people were wrong about her.

Some time in both of your adolescence, you had become more than friends, though it was kept a secret to avoid any scandals and difficulties with her royal duties. It hurt you when you found out she had to marry the then Dauphin of France, thinking that this arranged, politically-driven marriage was the end for you both. To your surprise though, she had brought you along to France as a servant, keeping the years-long relationship intact.

When her husband became the King of France and she was appointed as Queen, she would come to you for advice or for a second opinion, despite the fact that you were nothing more than a mere servant in her court. It was difficult, but you both managed to keep the love alive -- relaying whatever drama or information she was aware of to you, giving each other knowing glances in public, or secret dates late at night -- it was the small things that mattered. She loved you and you loved her, but you noticed that this life had begun to change her, little by little. Despite it all, you remained loyal to her. You remained loyal to Mary as both your lover and your queen, and you will continue to stay loyal no matter the scandal. That was why you were on your way to talk to her about what you had seen. Something had to be done.


You waited until Mary went to her bedroom and her maids were finished dressing her into her nightgown. Once they were gone and the coast was clear, you gave two slow knocks against the large door, a signal so simple that outsiders wouldn't think anything of it, but you and the Queen knew better. Mary opened the door with a wide smile as she pulled you into her empty room, engulfing you in a tender kiss when the door closed.

"I've missed you so much, love." She told you as she hugged you, resting her head on your shoulder.

"As have I," you responded, spending a few seconds in her arms in bliss before slowly pushing her back. "But we need to speak about something urgent."

"Of what, dear?" She asked as she sat you down on the edge of her king-sized bed. She held your hands in hers as she gave you a concerned look.

"It's the people, my Queen. They're very unhappy with you, calling you self-serving and a traitor. I fear that you may have been throwing too many parties and have been ignoring your subjects... They're starving out there." You relayed in a serious tone. "You've started spending too much of the crown's treasure and it is affecting the reputation that you've been spending so much time trying to repair."

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