Limnophobia (Part 2) | Andrew Kress "The Gravekeeper"

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Hi, it's been a while. I'm still working on two requests that I've had for a while (a naib x reader and a non-romantic child! fem x joker) and I'm not sure when I'll get them done. College has been taking up all of my time and I feel bad because I've been keeping a crap ton of people waiting, sorry for that. That's why I'm posting this one that has been in my drafts forever to keep yall at least a little entertained while I try to finish more one-shots in my free time. Here's part 2 with 1837 words and unedited as of now, hope y'all like it!

"After that match, you swore that you were never stepping foot in Lakeside Village ever again."

Or so you thought.

Upon telling your good friend Andrew, the gravekeeper, about your debilitating fear of lakes (or rather, him finding out after your little accident), he's made it his mission to help you try and get over it.

Andrew would never admit it, but everything he has ever done was for his own self-interest. It has been like that for as long as he could remember; as a kid, as a graverobber, and as a survivor now. The only reason he had bothered helping his own teammates was that it would increase the chances of winning the game. To be blunt, he was selfish. He always has been.

The gravekeeper had already thought you were an interesting character, that's why he sometimes preferred you over the other survivors, but the day you had fallen off the side of the ship awakened all sorts of emotions for him. Hearing your fear-stricken cries for help was an exact replica of his when the ignoble people of his town would beat him for being different. The way you clung onto him reminded him of how he would cling onto his mother, crying and tired from the constant harassment of others.

That day, Andrew finally got a taste of what it was like to be a good person, to help someone else for the sake of helping them and not because he would gain anything from doing so. He wanted to prove his worth, he wanted to show everyone that he wasn't a "white-haired monster". And he wanted to start with you.

After your little show at lakeside, your little insignificant crush on Andrew became full-fledged. So when he mentioned that he wanted to help you, you played along, just happy that he was going to spend more time with you.

The plan was to get you to build the fortitude to go back to Lakeside and then visit the village enough to desensitize you to the lake.

You didn't think Andrew would go through with it but, to your surprise, he did. To be completely honest, you were expecting him to give up quickly because a deeply rooted irrational fear like yours doesn't go away in a day. He clearly doesn't seem to care because this has been going on for months now.

Andrew was serving as some sort of personal therapist to you, and you didn't understand why he was so bent on trying to help you. He'd done enough saving you from falling last time.

You did admire his determination though, it made your heart skip a beat, and the butterflies in your stomach flutter like crazy. The thought that he cares enough about you to do so much for you always managed to fluster you. The only drawback here was that his actions made it hard to know if he was doing this because he felt obligated to after witnessing your breakdown or because he liked you back. It confused you to no end but after a long talk with yourself, you decided you were going to find out soon.

Though you didn't take your friend seriously at first, his resolve seemed to rub off on you and made you want to attempt to get over your fear as well. You've opened up to Andrew about your concerns about the lake and he has been nothing but understanding and patient with you. You have been slowly working up the courage to go back to that map and today was the day you were going to try.

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