Baby | Victor Grantz "The Postman"

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[Unedited] Sorry it took so long and sorry if it seems a little rushed, but here's a Victor x pregnant!Reader as requested by MirandaWinterbourne! I do plan on editing and refining this one later but I'm not about to make you wait another month lol. Hope you like it :)

Warnings: Brief talks of mature sex-related topics that come with the subject of pregnancy, Swearing

Ah, Saturday, the only day of the week that you had completely free! Saturday was your day off from the grueling matches you have to partake in. Since your boyfriend Victor Grantz, the postman, was going to be busy playing for most of the day today, you decided that you would spend your free time with your friends.

You had just finished helping Emma pick some fruits and vegetables from her garden to use in the kitchen and you were super excited about it. Why? Among the handpicked produce were a few ripe avocados. Avocados were an important ingredient in the egg sandwiches your good friend Luca makes. You've been craving one of these sandwiches for about a week now and you were finally going to get it.

Luca makes the sandwich with the obvious egg, cooked bacon, cheese, and avocado. It's a simple recipe yet one you could never seem to get it right, so you were about to ask him to make you one with the freshly-picked avocados you had in your hand.

Rushing to Luca's room, you dragged him out of there and into the kitchen. After spending most of the day working on his invention, Luca needed a lunch break so he wasn't opposed to making a quick meal. Once in the kitchen, you were quick to take out the ingredients before backing off and letting him get to work.

Seeing the sandwich come together so flawlessly made your mouth water, the savory smell of the bacon wafting around the room and to your nose. Yum!

Within 10 minutes, the prisoner finished making your sandwich, setting it on a plate, and passing it to you. As much as you wanted to devour your food right then and there, you still had some courtesy and waited for your friend to finish making his. When he was done, the both of you walked to the table and sat down. Finally, you took a large bite and hummed in delight. It tasted like heaven.

"Luca, it's so good!" You complimented with your mouth full of food. Rude and ill-mannered of you? Definitely, but it wasn't as bad as Luca's habit of putting his feet on the table.

Luca took a bite of his egg sandwich to taste it and nodded in satisfaction. "Glad you liked it," he responded, covering his full mouth with a gloved hand unlike you did.

You both ate in a comfortable silence until you finished your sandwich first and began talking to your friend about literally anything that would come to mind. Luca could only roll his eyes at your energetic behavior. "I take it you're feeling better after this morning?"

Ah yes, this morning. You had woken up feeling extremely sluggish, nauseous, and with a huge headache. Not even 30 minutes into your day and you were dry-heaving in front of a toilet.

"Oh yeah, definitely! I'm still a little tired but I'm doing much better. I'm not sure what's been causing me to feel sick again though, could it be a stomach bug?"

"Girl, I doubt it." He responded with a questioning look on his face. "Stomach bugs don't just come and go as often as it's happening to you. Honestly, you should check in with Emily about that. Maybe somethings wrong with your organs? I don't know, human anatomy isn't my thing." Luca shrugged.

"Yeah, I'll talk to her soon about it. It's a little concerning at this point." You agreed. You both stayed silent for a little as Luca took the last bite of his sandwich.

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