Limnophobia (Part 1) | Andrew Kress "The Gravekeeper"

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Oh geez this one is long, 3122 words to be exact. Enjoy!

It has been a bad day of matches for you. No matter how much effort you put into your matches, your losing streak just kept on growing. Your match results have been the talk of the day among survivors, a few people have even jokingly told you that it's a sign to stop for the day. You joked with them too but it wasn't going to stop you from playing, you were determined to win at least once today.

In the many matches you've had today, not one has been in Lakeside Village; in fact, you haven't had a match in Lakeside for well over a month now. You thought it was a blessing how you haven't even had a thought about that map, you hated it. Why? The horrid humidity made your hair frizz up, you constantly got mud on your shoes, the smell made you want to throw up, and the sight of the lake made you want to cry. You hated every single thing about that map.

You were currently at the waiting table with Andrew, Vera, and Martha in the lobby, preparing for a match. You were making small talk with Vera who was right next to you, but you occasionally glanced over at Andrew. You couldn't help it, you thought he was really cute. He was really shy and that made him all the more adorable to you. You were really hoping that you could impress him this match, or at the very least not make a fool out of yourself in front of him. You weren't too sure as to how it would play out seeing as your performance today hasn't been good but you were still hopeful. You desperately wanted to break your losing streak.

Everyone readied up and soon the match began.


Before you even opened your eyes, you immediately recognized which map you were on. The warm, humid climate as well as the musty, rotten smell of the lake gave it away. Gross, a shiver ran through your spine as you thought to yourself. You just spawned at the cipher that was stationed left to the large, old, wooden ship and in front of the lakeshore. Just your luck.

You felt your skin begin to crawl as you stared out at the lake. How far does the lake stretch? You can't even see to the other side. How deep does it get? What if I drown in there? What could be swimming in the murky water? Would it drag me down with it? You quickly turned away from the lake as your thoughts began to race. Before you could manage to completely freak yourself out, you ran inwards, away from it.

On the rare occasion that you did get a match on this map, you tried your best to stay away from the lake for as long as you possibly could and that's exactly what you were doing now. You ran to the cipher near the center of the map seeing as it was the closest one to you that was a comfortable distance from the water. You began to work on the cipher when you heard the loud chime of the bell. The chime was accompanied by the yelp of who you assumed was Andrew seeing as it was deeper than Vera's and Martha's vocalizations. "Ah crap, Andrew was hit already," you mumbled to yourself as you looked around, making sure he wasn't near you. Not seeing him or the hunter near you, you continued to decode.

Only a few minutes later, Andrew was hit again and knocked down. You didn't realize he was caught until you saw the red outline of the rocket chair from the corner of your eye. Must be a bad day for him too, you thought to yourself.

As much as you wanted to run out and help your friend, you stayed put and continued on the cipher. You were a decoder, not a rescuer. Your kiting skills were not good at all and such a decision could cost your team the win. Instead, you decided to monitor the situation. If Martha didn't go to the rescue like she always did, you would do it instead.

When you finally finished the cipher, you saw that Andrew was still stuck in the rocket chair. He probably didn't have much time left. You stood there, debating whether to go. Would you make it there on time? Where was everyone else?

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