Shellshock | Naib Subedar "The Mercenary"

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Here is some Naib content :) This one is 2528 words! I really like the idea of this one but I'm not too happy with how I wrote it though :/ oh well ig. Since I'm very lazy, I'll edit this some other time but meanwhile, enjoy what I have so far :)

Because Oletus Manor was rather secluded and seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, no one can come freely to the property unless personally sent an invite by the manor owner. The survivors and hunters that resided in the nonsensical and mysterious building also wouldn't step foot outside its parameters either; there was both a mental and physical barrier that prevented them from doing so. For that reason, the players of the game were left with a large crate of necessities every few months. This crate, along with food and hygienic materials, refueled each individual survivor's supplies.

Not all survivors needed their 'refill' but survivors that were usually exceedingly busy with their roles and hobbies often took advantage of this. Some examples include the doctor whose refill consisted of medical supplies, the prisoner's and mechanic's which were similar in that they included tools and spare parts, and the painter's which was always used to replenish his paint and canvas supply.

You, as a candlemaker, used up most of your free time by experimenting with different candle designs and smells. Recently, you noticed that some of your waxes and oils were running a little low, so you put in an order for some more. Since you didn't do this often to avoid having more ingredients than necessary, you always made sure to be very careful and specific with your order. As well as the basic ingredients (such as wicks) and your favorites to work with, you made sure to include a few new items to keep things interesting.

That was about a month ago, and just today did everyone get their supplies. You were outside with Mike when you heard someone call for you. When you went inside, a medium-sized cardboard box with the word 'candlemaker' scribbled on the side was waiting for you. You knew immediately what was inside and let a large smile adorn your face

With your child-like excitement and new materials, you set off to your room to make some more candles.


It was a couple of days later and, after spending most of your time experimenting with mixing scents, you definitely needed a break. You had made a crap ton of small candles that would help you during matches, but you also made a few for fun. You were heading to the kitchen for a snack, while you were waiting for a specific candle to finish cooling.

In the kitchen, you came across a few other survivors including Naib, Patricia, and Servais. Naib was at the table reading a book, while Patricia and Servais were gathering the ingredients to make a nice dinner. You saw a variety of vegetables along with a thawing package of red meat.

"Ooh, what are you guys making?" Nosily, you peaked over Servais' shoulder to get a better look at what exactly he had in front of him.

"We aren't sure yet, but you can bet it'll be delicious!" Patricia exclaimed.

"Oh, I was going to look for something to eat, should I just wait until dinner then?"

"No, you should probably get a snack if you're hungry. It might take a while for the food to be ready since we're still waiting for the meat to thaw out a little." Servais added. You nodded, taking a couple of fruits to calm your hunger.

You sat down at the table right next to Naib. He looked up from his book and gave you a small smile to acknowledge you.

Naib might look intimidating with the serious look he tends to sport, and he might be a bit of a grouch sometimes, but he was quite a caring person, especially when it came to his friends. It can take him a while to get used to others but when he does, he becomes a protective and thoughtful friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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