Ch8 • Blubzys

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How the hell do we even know which way to go?!"

Jeno nearly pops a nerve, whipping his head towards the one beside him. "We don't! We just yeet ourselves outta here as fast as possible!" He yells, jumping over a rolling gumball.

"How does one even yeet one's self?!" Chenle questions again, stressed out of his now 14 year old self.

Donghyuck merely looks at him from behind the both of them, bewildered. "Did I actually just hear that word fly out of your mouth?!" He shrieks, disappointed beyond belief.

"Did I fucking stutter?!" Jeno groans, nearly stumbling at a sprinkle coated part of the ground they run upon. "That's besides the fucking point, you morons! Some giant bowling ball beasts are trying to kill us, and you focus on my lack of urban language restraint?! Get it to-fucking-gether!"

A low echoing laughter of pure evil resounds from the left turning path behind them, making their skins go white out of sheer terror.

All three simultaneously look back at the loud sound, regretting their choice. It was Blubzy, rather, Blubzys. Three of them, with blood dripping from their mouths, evil grins evident, waiting for the right time to devour them whole.

"A-are th-those k-killer Pac-Mans?" Chenle stutters, knees clanking with each other, back to his 14 year old scaredy cat self, shaking in fear.

Donghyuck looks at him livid. "You idiot!" He whisper-shouts, smacking the back of chenle's head. "Pac-Man is a good dude, these guys are obviously not. It's Blubzyz!"

The one in the center shifts from its position, directing its attention towards chenle, who nearly shits himself. "Oh my flipping God, it's looking at me" He whispers, panicking. "What do I do???"

"Don't," Jeno whispers back, not moving a single muscle, not even his eyeballs. He takes a barely evident, but shaky breath, before continuing. ",Move"

Donghyuck looks at him bamboozled, breaking away from his haulted stance. "What do you mean don't move? They're gonna eat us when they get the chance!" Jeno nearly tackles him then and there, as the monsters simultaneously look towards the brunette. "I say we start running outta here now!"

Before jeno could talk him out of doing anything impulsive, Donghyuck dashes for the same direction they were originated to, putting his past young self's incredible childlike stamina to the best of use.

Chenle squeaks, "Oh my God, these things look horrible!" as the Blubzys began to slowly role forth, he follows after donghyuck, making a run for his dear adorable life.

Jeno inhales and exhales through his nose, clearly annoyed. He looks up, questioning his life choices. "Why does no one ever fucking listen to me in this goddamn family?" And he bolts after them, mostly because the monsters were just meters away.

He manages to catch up to them, taking the place in the center. "Better start using that quick-witted brain of yours" He sing-songs, sarcastic but serious.

Donghyuck scoffs. "I'm trying, you bitch" He sing-songs back, just as petty, jumping over a number of basketball sized gumballs coming their way.

Jeno doesn't answer then, focused on his own pace and path.

The end of the maze hall greets them by a few more meters, and all three could feel their insides jump in glee and relief. But another question rises.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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