Chapter 4

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"Who did you bring with you?" She asks calmly keeping the ring on the counter.

"No one, I've had this since like forever" I try matching her sight to showcase confidence but that just isn't working.

"Really?" She asks when I start mixing the filling mixture.


"So you were alone last night?"


"Are you sure about that?"


"Are you lying about that?"

"Ye- No!" I cry dropping the spoon from my hand into the bowl making a clink sound.

"Come on, you can tell me. I know you're lying because I know your wardrobe inside-out, so this" She picks up the ring, "is not yours, second I can smell this weird manly aroma around the place so that and last, look at you," She raises her hands to point me and then grabs my face, "you are fucking glowing like you had the best sex of your life"

"Nonsense" I call removing her hands from me.

"Manika" She says slow and low.

"Okay, yes. I slept with someone who's not Adam. Happy? That's what you wanted me to say right?"

"Can you please explain why are you still dating that monkey?"

"Don't call him that" I scold smacking her forearm lightly.

"Ya, my bad. That'll be an insult to the monkeys." I give an unimpressed look and she continues, "No I'm serious Mann, he's a absolute dick. I mean, in my opinion most men are dicks but he crosses heights. What boyfriend calls their girlfriend names behind her back? You are basically an emotional punching bag, a bank account and a secretary, all in one for him. I still remember that get-together we went to. You were so excited for it and he ruined it for you by being a rude and attention-seeking whore. It's really out my conscience to understand the fact of you dating that ungrateful piece of shit when you can get more than decent guys, like the one you sneaked out a few minutes ago"

I gape at her monologue with an open mouth. "Close your mouth sweetie" She chimes.

"But you didn't-"

"Even see the guy. I know but you honey, forget that walls are thin, so I heard your little guilt trip a few minutes ago while I was in my room, which was so useless. I heard when he requested you to ask me lower down, he was ready to apologize for something which wasn't his fault and he was even okay with zero drama in a condition like this and I know how comparing isn't good but just imagine how this would've been like if it was Adam in this place. I assure you, that scumbag wouldn't have left without making a scene, because he's a fucking attention seeking whore, open your damn eyes!"

"So you want me to break up with him?"



"No buts. This relationship is doing nothing for your good. You even give up your work so many times because of that idiot and it certainly isn't fair. So go visit him tonight and break it off without even mentioning last night as you have ample other reasons for what you need to do"

"Honestly, you're not wrong" I sigh.

"I know"

"Why are you always correct?"

"Because Sisterr, knows best!" She sings.

"Yeah, that's not the song" I say shaking my head.

"Love you too, Mann. Now, feed me!"



He forcefully moves the tall brunette nurse off of him and I faintly hear him apologising to me. I see pure surprise flashing through his blue-grey eyes.

I look over to the nurse with the name tag, 'Nellie' fixing her clothes and hair while Adam sits surprised. "You said you won't visit today" He voices flatly.

"I should probably go" Nellie the nurse interjects.

"No, stay. It's alright, this isn't going to take long." I sit on the seat next to the bed placing the bouquet next to him, "well let's get over with this," I say under my breath, "Just hear me out okay, I-um, I came here to apologize. That wasn't the plan but I changed it last minute but now after seeing what I saw, I don't think I owe you an apology anymore because I believe we're even"

"Even? You kissed someone else?"

"I slept with someone else and we clearly have enough other reasons to break whatever this is-" I say quickly but he interferes.

"Wait, you slept with someone? You slept with someone?"

"Yes, I'm speaking English right? So yeah, that's why I said we're even because- this is taking too long than it is supposed to"

"We are so not even Manika. I just kissed her, you, on the other hand, slept with someone else, you had sex with another fucking guy while you had a boyfriend. We are so not even here. Our lips met, your-"

"Why are you telling this to the whole floor? Stop shouting please"

"I will shout, you cheated on me! I'm allowed to yell, you bitch"

"Are you seriously going to do this? You are an attention-seeking whore, aren't ya" I say unamused.

"Watch your mouth, you slut"

"Look who's talking. Let me remind you, I caught you kissing someone else while you were totally unaware of my actions, I could've easily flipped this on you but I didn't. I did not because I treated you like a human but I know damn well you don't deserve this"

"Well I was just kissing-"

"Dude, why are you lying?" Nellie interferes, "She's here trying to be honest with you, trying to end this relationship which clearly isn't going well and you are lying straight to her face. We didn't just kiss, I sucked him off once and rode him twice in the past 24-hours" She directs the later towards me matter-of-factly.

"Thank god, someone has a brain" I cry standing up.

"What, why are you ganging up on me?"

"Because that's what you deserve, get well soon or don't, I don't care and if you still didn't get it, we are done" I announce and leave. Damn, that was good. Pat on the back to myself.

I jump into the first cab I see outside the hospital and tell the driver my address. As soon as the cab's about to leave, the door slams open, "Move! Move!" A woman shouts and I shift making space for her. I hope she's not a murderer or something. "Drive! Quick!" She looks back through the window and sighs deeply. "Sorry, some creep was being extra creepy, hope you don't mind" She says catching her breath.

"No, it's okay, you good?" She runs a hand through her straight dark hair and smiles with dimples.

"Wonderful" She replies twinkling her light brown eyes towards me.

"Where to, madam number two?" The driver asks her.

"I need to get here" She tells him passing a piece paper.

"Not very far from we're dropping the other miss"

She looks at me, I return the smile and then focus on the view outside the window. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.

Ishu👑: how did it go?

Me: I did it

Me: Badass style

Me: Have a story for you, be there in a minute xx

I lock my phone, slipping it back in my pocket. "You're a local?"

"I moved here a few weeks ago, you?" I ask her back after answering her question.

"I'm visiting my brother" She smiles.

"Ah" Seconds later I'm outside my building, "well that's me, have a good night."

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