Chapter 44

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"Let's get this straight, there's no comparison since of course Tangled is the best"

"You can't say that! Moana is and will be the best Disney Princess movie ever!"

Right now, Isha and Manika are 'debating' for the best Disney Princess movie while sitting on the different ends of the couch with a fresh bowl of popcorns and the home page of Netflix opened on the TV.

"Ish, 2010 and 2016, a six year difference, SIX! And yet the animation of Tangled is at par with today's modern animation"

"Really? The clarity of the resolution of the original movie is vigorous, don't even start on that" She says rolling her eyes, "and look what the movie portrays, girl power Manu, GIRL! POWER!" She screams at the younger's face, "whereas in your movie, the little blond princess cannot do anything without her prince" She enunciates dramatically.

"But that's what makes it a classic. Don't get me wrong, I love girl power but Moana also wouldn't have done what she did without Maui!" Manika shouted back at her.

"Are you serious right now? She was independent and Maui was just extra support"

"Hey, hey, hey! Who taught her sailing? MAUI! Who helped her with the Kakamura? MAUI! Who was a big part in the climax for Moana to do what she did? MAUI! And to top it all, Eugene was a better male protagonist than Maui"

"Eugene was Flynn who was a thief!"

"That was the start of the movie, there's a thing called character development sweetie and Zachary Levi did a great job voicing that character to its precision, beat that"

"Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and that's not it, Auli'i Cravahlo, Moana herself" She says matter-of-factly.

"Really, you are going to go their? Mandy Moore as Rapunzel and wait a second, Donna Murphy as Mother Gothel"

"Okay what about sidekicks, huh? The chicken, oh god that little creature and other than that, the Water! The goddamn Water, Mann, was a meaningful and friendly character!"

"Tangled wins in that field as well, just as overall. Maximus, huh? The horse knew sword fighting, how can you top that? And, and that isn't it- Pascal, don't forget the little guy"

"Good evening ladies!" Louis barges in with the help of the extra key they've given to him with Harry right behind him - who isn't as excited as Louis, currently. "Sorry we're late, the Chinese place was busy today" He sighs loudly, "So what are we arguing on this movie night?" He takes a seat on the armchair on Isha's side of the couch after bringing cutlery from the kitchen.

"We are debating" Manika announced as Harry took seat on the other armchair near her.

"And the topic is best Disney Princess movie" Isha adds.

"Oh, I don't know much about those but Harold here does" Louis remarked pointing towards the man.

Harry glared at Louis for throwing him between the two sisters' arguement/debate.

"Harry, which one do you think it is?" Isha shoots the question in determination.

Manika didn't look at him directly but waited for him to answer. It's been a day since their fight but they were acting like kids and hence still not talking to each other.

"Frozen" Harry told his honest opinion on the topic. "and of course, it's sequel"

Isha and Manika met each other's wide eyes, sharing a similar expression of outrage.

"Why are you dating him?" She speaks breaking the silence.

"Yes, why am I dating you?" Manika turned towards Harry, slightly offended by his choice.

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