Chapter 45

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Direct Continuation...

"There is one more thing I need to tell you"

"How long have you been sitting on this one?"

Manika leaned forward to peck his cherry lips once and continued, "50 hours approximately"

"Okay" Harry replied. "What it is?"

Without a word the lady with puffy eyes removed herself from him to bring the file to see. The unaware man sat patiently for whatever she had to say.

Manika licked her lips which had gone dry in nervousness of what may or may not happen. She tried hard not to send her brain in overload with overthinking as she handed him a page.

"I think it's important for you to see this and I believe that I am prepared to share it with you and it's totally understandable if you-"

"This is from the gynaecologist you see. Are you pregnant?" Harry interferred, his eyes going wide from the seeing half of the page only. "But I don't think we're ready for this- not that I don't, I mean, we have been together for not even a year and-and it's a pretty big thing if you are pregnant because we need to plan a lot of things in such short time- how far along are you? Say something please,"

"It'll be better if you read the whole thing rather than assuming something from just the doctor's name" Manika droned, taking a seat in front of him and mimicking his stance.

Harry looked between her and the paper twice and did as she said. Manika was even more nervous from what he assumed this could be. What if he gets angry? Her subconscious asked. He won't. She talked to herself.

You don't know that.

I do.

What if you two quarrel again?

We won't.

You don't know that either. What if he asks for space or worse... what if he leaves you? Everything you're scared of will come to life. No Harry. No love. You'll be alone. Forever. You'll die alone in darkness eventually since your sunshine will be gone.

"Okay! Maybe I'm not as ready as I thought, don't leave me please" Manika pleaded, shutting her eyes close in the anxiety caused by her own self conflict.

"I don't understand... why will I leave you?" Harry questioned, furrowing his brows in concentration and confusion to get what this hospital report is supposed to convey. His eyes caught a box at the bottom of the page which described the technical terms used in the diagnosis.

"I don't get it" Harry pouted. "Why do you think I'm gonna leave you?" He asked in confusion.

"Haz, basically" Manika sighed and started with hesitance, "this report says that it will not be as easy for me, as it's for an average woman, to get pregnant"

Harry locked his eyes with her and Manika's confidence started kicking in. "And even if I do get pregnant - it'll have complications. That's what the doc said at least" She added. "I just thought, you should know..."

"You really thought I'll leave you because of it?" Harry asked with a small smile. Manika nodded sheepishly. "You really are your mother's daughter. Got the idiot gene, haven't you?" He commented.

When she didn't reply, he took the matter upon himself. Harry straightened his back, laying down on the bed, and patted his lower shoulder.

Manika didn't have the will to protest for whatever he was trying to do. Is he gonna let me down slow? She asked herself as she cuddled into his side with head on his shoulder.

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