Summer Camp AU-McKane's Dive

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Summer Camp AU

Alexander POV:

It was the first week at this weird camp thing my "dad" sent me to. I honestly didn't want to go, because of the HUGE lake in at the edge of camp. You see, I don't like to swim, so I never learned to swim. Usually I'd stay in the sand at the beach or something.

I had made some friends, Herc, Laf, John, Angelica, Eliza and Peggy. Although Eliza is a bit weird around me. They invited me to the lake to look at turtles, so of course I said no at first.

"Please alexxxx!" Peggy whined while grinning mischievously. That's an odd smile. "Fine, but I'm not getting wet." I sighed and got off the bench in the cafeteria. The group erupted in cheers. I stuck my hands in the pockets of my hoodie (ik it's weird he's wearing a hoodie in summer but it's for the plot and he's wearing shorts with it)

John POV a couple of hours before they went to the lake:

"Are you sure we should do this?" Eliza asked while clawing at her shorts. "Cmon Liza, we did it to ALL the new kids." I responded. What am I referring to? McKane's Dive, that's what. McKane's Dive is where the old kids push the newest kid into the lake at 4:00 in the evening. Why 4:00? Well because it's when the lake McKane (Lake McKane is the name of the lake)  is at its deepest point and it's when the temperature is at its lowest point too.

It's super fun to see the look on the new kids face. Although this time, I feel sort of bad doing it to Alex because he's so cute and I have a teensy crush on him. Besides the point though.

We finished planning and it was time for Alex to do McKane's Dive.

Back to Alex's POV at the lake:

We all sat down on the dock, but I sat farthest from the water, almost touching the sand. I wasn't paying attention when suddenly John was in my face. "Cmon Alex! You can't see the turtles from here, get a closer look!" He said while ushering me to the end of the dock. There waiting for me at the end of the dock we're Herc, Laf and Angelica all holding their  phones, ready to record something.

I turned around, my back facing the water, I was about to ask John what was going on. Unfortunately, before I could get any wordands out, I felt Peggy and John push me into the water. I fell down with a hard 'SPLAT' into the water.

As I kept sinking,  I saw the looks on their faces. Angelica, Laf and Herc had their phones pointed towards the water with huge grins on their faces. Peggy was laughing her ass off with John, but Eliza looked like she was about to cry.

I tried to kick my legs or wave my arms but it was no use. I was plummeting at an alarming rate deeper into the cold, dark water. It invaded my lungs like soldiers going into battle. The water attacking my lungs with cold spikes, blocking the tunnel for me to breathe.

I felt my hood get stuck in my face and the strings rap around my neck, choking me as well. Also, the extra weight from my hoodie wasn't helping. Soon, I felt a sort of wave push my body to the left and onto a rock. The rock sliced through my hoodie and leave a bloody line going from my shoulder to my elbow.

I could feel my head get heavy, like a bowling ball and I could feel my eyes getting droopy. Soon, I stopped trying to wave my arms around and let the darkness consume me.

So this is where I die? In Lake McKane, at the hands of my "friends". Awesome, wow!

John POV:
"Uh guys? It's been 3 minutes and he isn't out yet." Eliza pointed out. Soon we all started laughing and got a closer look at the water.

No sign of Alexander, but the water was turning— red. Oh shit.

"Somebody go run for help!" Angelica said. Hercules nodded and grabbed Lafayette. The two ran off to the directors cabin. I was panicking.
"Shit shit shit, what if he can't even swim?" Peggy asked. "See this is why we don't do IDIOTIC things!" Said Eliza.

I tuned out their bickering and took of my shoes, leaving me in my socks. I dived into the water head first and followed the trail of blood. Luckily, I found him, lying on his side on the ledge of a rock. I grabbed him and swam up. I popped my head up, and shoved him into the dock with the help of the three sisters.

By the time Alex was on the dock, Mr. Washington and Mrs. Reynolds (yeah Maria is a counselor!) was here with Laf and Herc.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" Mr. Washington boomed while Mrs. Reynolds or Maria as we like to call her, took his hoodie off and began CPR.
"Alexander is a NON SWIMMER." Mr. Washington said holding up Alex's wrist, which had a neon red wristband on it, signaling that he couldn't swim. Eliza had one also.

"I-I-It was a harmless joke..." we all stuttered. We tried explaining McKanes dive to Mr. Washington. Suddenly, Maria screamed and clutched onto Alex.

"He's gone." She shuddered out.

Part 2? Part 2.

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