McKane's Dive Part 2

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The next day

John POV:

"So which one of you did it?" Officer Lee asked.
"D-Did what?" Angelica asked.
"Mrs. Schuyler, it's not the time for sass. Which one of you kids pushed Alexander." Mr. Washington asked in a stern, yet calming way.

Everyone gulped. "Well if you guys don't tell us who pushed Alex, we'll have no problem sending all of you to juvenile detention.

Hands pointed to me and Peggy. Peggy had her head hung low and I was sobbing. Officer Lee nodded. The other officer, officer- Seabury? walked up with Officer Lee. "John Laurens and Peggy Schuyler, you are both under arrest for the tragic murder of Alexander Hamilton." States officer Seabury.

Suddenly, Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler burst into the room, my parents not too far behind them. "Please! They're only 16 years old! They're basically children!" Mr. Schyuler pleaded while Peggy and I were handcuffed. "Honestly, that's old enough to know not to push people into a lake."  More officers and parents rushed into the room. The other officers handcuffed Angelica, Eliza, Herc and Laf because they were involved in the murder. They took our phones too.

As I was being pushed out of the office, I saw my little sister weeping, my father with a sad look on his face, and my mother looking at me with a disappointed face. I hung my head low and followed the cop into the car.

"So you're a murderer?" Asked my cellmate, Jason. I nodded, "Yeah. I've been in the system since I was 16. I'm 26 now and I should have a job doing something with aquatic animals or something, instead I'm here rotting in a cell until I die." I said sighing.

"Peggy got the electric chair, Laf and Herc got 5 years, Angie got 4 and Eliza for community service and our on probation for 1 year." I continued. "Ah, your little "gang". Jason chuckled. "We weren't a gang, we were stupid teenagers. Incredibly stupid and guilty teenagers." I said. "What are you in for?" I questioned, glancing to the side and looking Jason in his eyes. "I robbed 7-11 of 90 gallons of slushees and killed a girl. I'm in here for life too." He answered. "Oh jeez, ok." I said.

Alr that's the end. Sorry it was weird lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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