Chapter 10

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Arianna POV

My dad was dead ass serious about Ramone sitting in on all of my classes. He's been here since my very first class. It's very embarrassing having him sitting here watching me all day.

It is time for PE and my teacher just told me that I'm running the timed mile today. Oh my God. She is taking advantage of Ramone being here.

I wanted to say no so bad but I don't want to be in anymore trouble. I'm already grounded for the next two weeks. Not trying to add anymore time onto my sentence.

I went into the locker room to change. I have a small red mark on the back of my thigh and I hope it's not easily visible.

I finished getting changed and went back out. I did my stretches and then headed out to the track. I'm not the only one out here running the mile today so that's good.

They had us line up at the start and blew the whistle when it was time to start.

I'm about 2 laps in when I start feeling light-headed. I started to slow down and then I collapse.
Ramone POV

I'm sitting up in the bleachers keeping an eye on Ari as she runs the mile. She seem to be keeping up pretty well.

I looked down at my phone and when I looked back up, Ari collapsed.

I hopped the fence in front of the bleachers and ran over to her.

Me: Ari! Ari!

She unconscious and her pulse is weak.

The PE teacher came running over to see what was happening.

Me: She was running then she just collapsed.

Mrs. Scott: I'm calling 911.

She got on the phone and called for an ambulance while someone else ran to get the school nurse.

The paramedics just got here.

Medic: What happened?

Me: She was running and then she collapsed.

Medic: Does she have any underlying conditions?

Me: No.

Medic: Has she ever passed out like this before?

Me: No. She doesn't have any conditions and this the first time she ever passed out.

They got a stretcher and put her on it.

I'm riding with her. I text dad to let him know what had happened and he meeting us at the hospital.

They hooked her up to an IV in the ambulance.

I text dad that we were on our way to the hospital and he's meeting us there.

The ambulance pulled in and they got her out and into a room. She finally came to as they were rolling her inside.

Dad was coming in as we were.

They directed him back to the room where we were.

The doctor came in soon after.

Doc: Arianna, how are you feeling?

Ari: Tired.

Doc: What did you feel before you passed out?

Ari: Dizzy. Like, everything was spinning.

Doc: Did anything hurt?

Ari: No.

Doc: Okay. We are going to run a few tests. The nurse will be in to draw some blood and they will also hook up an IV so you can have some fluids.

She nods and the doctor leaves out.
Arianna POV

The nurse came in to hook up my IV. I still don't like needles but she was quick. Once they started the fluids, I started to feel better. 

Dad: How are you feeling baby girl?

Me: I'm feeling a little better now but I'm still tired.

My dad and Ramon's were sitting there in the chairs while we waited on the doctor to come back in. I closed my eyes and tried to take a nap. As I started to fall asleep, the doctor came back in the room.

Dad: Are the tests back?

Doc: Yes, the test results all came back and it looks like you, Arianna, were extremely dehydrated. You've gotta make sure that you are drinking enough water and eating.

I nodded my head.

Doc: The tests also showed that Arianna's iron levels are lower than normal. Low-iron is common, especially in young women. I'm going to prescribe daily iron pills so as long as you're taking your medicine and making sure you're eating and drinking enough water, you should be fine.

Dad: Thank you, Dr. Jackie.

Doc: Of course. I am going to get your discharge processed and you'll be good to go.

The doctor walked out and I started to get up. I feel a little better now that I'm hydrated.

When the nurse came back, they gave us my discharge papers and we were able to go. They told my dad to keep me home from school tomorrow and then I go back the next day. I would much rather be going to school because I am grounded and I won't be able to do anything.

My dad carried me out of the hospital and put me in the car. Ramone got in and then we left heading home. I just want to go to sleep.
Chapter 11 coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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