Chapter 1

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It was beautiful morning in Death City and you were sound asleep on your bed cuddled up in your blankets nothing could possibly ruin this relaxing moment

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It was beautiful morning in Death City and you were sound asleep on your bed cuddled up in your blankets nothing could possibly ruin this relaxing moment. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, your alarm clock went off you softly groaned hitting the snooze button in the process, you turned over so that you were looking up at the ceiling.

"Morning Death City." You groggily said slowly getting up from your comfortable bed, you rubbed the tiredness out of your eye as you let out a huge yawn. You got up and stretched your arms out breathing in and letting it all out. You walked over to the chair that was by your desk grabbing the towel hanging from it, you walked over to your small bathroom closing the door in the process. Water spit out of the shower head as you turned the knob, you stripped of your clothing and stepped into the shower not even bothered by the cold water running down your body.

"One of them must using shower in the house." You mumbled splashing cold water against your face, nothing like a cold shower to wake you up in the morning. As soon as you were finished you wrapped the towel around yourself and stepped out of the bathroom. Walking back over to your bed again you knelt down and pulled out a clear box full of clothing from underneath the bed, popping open the top you pulled out a loose knitted sweater, some light colored jeans along with underwear and your bra. You quickly changed into your outfit, you decided not to do anything special to your hair so you just brushed it out and made sure it was out of your face, you knew how your mother gets when your hair wasn't pulled back. You jumped when your phone rang from the nightstand you quickly ran over to it and answered the call.

"(Y/N)!! Did you make me my breakfast yet!?" Your sister Mika screamed you winced at the volume of her voice and pulled the phone away from your ear, you softly sighed and rubbed the bridge of your nose.

"I haven't yet Mika, my apologize I'll get on that right away." You said softly.

"Well you better!" Mika said hanging up the call shortly after she called your phone went off again this time from Akira.

"Yes Akira?" You said

"(Y/N) where is my breakfast!" She whined.

"I haven't made it yet I'm sorry but I'll get right on it." You said.

"Well hurry up and get on it silly!" She said you hung up and stuffed your phone into your pocket; you slipped on your shoes and made your way out the door. This was a typical day for you getting up to the sounds of your step sisters ordering you around, it has been like this after your father passed away everything changed after your fathers passing, your step mother treated you coldly along with her daughters, your mother also move into the tiny shed in the garden so that she could use your room for storage, they pushed you around, and insulted you but that didn't stop you from keeping your head held high hoping that one day you'll finally be free from their abuse.

You entered the home through the back door you walked over to the kitchen you grabbed the apron that hung by the fridge and tied it around yourself; you pulled out the necessary items you needed to make their breakfast. As you cracked the eggs into the small bowl you heard a cute little meow coming from the window sill, a small smile formed on your face knowing exactly who it was.

"Good morning Blair, how's my favorite kitty doing this fine morning." You turned around and saw the cat liking her paw. You always found it odd that the cat always wore a witches hat but you'd like to think she has it on because maybe her owners liked dressing her up as a witch. You only knew that cats name was Blair because that's what it said on her collar.

Blair looked at you and meowed again you only giggled and scratched behind that cats ear, she purred and nuzzled into the palm of your hand you smiled softly and pulled away.

"You always know how to brighten my day Blair." You said Blair only meowed and hopped off the window sill, you watched as the cat walked away and disappeared into the bushes in the garden you sighed and turned back to making your families breakfast.

-Time Skip and P.O.V. change-

"Breakfast is ready!" I called out.

I heard quick footsteps descending down the stairs, Mika and Akira both bolting into the dinning room and sitting in their usual spots. They quickly grabbed whatever they could get their hands on, I just looked at the both of them with wide eyes with a hint of concern.

"What's the rush?" I asked softly they looked at me annoyed with food stuffed into their mouths, Mika swallowed and wiped her mouth.

"Didn't mother tell you?" She asked I just quietly shook my head Mika sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Death the Kid, you know Lord Death's son is coming over for dinner tonight." Mika said I looked at them with a slight confused expression Akira groaned and rolled her eyes just like her sister.

"He's like a really big deal at the DWMA." Akira said Mika scoffed

"More like a really big deal in all of Death City!" Mika shouted.

"That's certainly right Mika." I jumped when I heard my mothers voice, I turned over and saw her seated at the other end of the table.

"That's why I want the two of you on your best behavior, that goes for you too (Y/N)." My mother said taking a sip of her tea I nodded and bowed my head.

"Of course mother." I said softly.

"Now, I want you to pick up our dry cleaning from the cleaners, when you get back I want this house spotless, and when that's done dinner needs to be made." Mother said.

"Yes mother." I said she smirked at me and looked at me up and down.

"Also do look presentable, I don't want the shinigami's son freaking out about your appearance ." Mother said I softly sighed and nodded.

"Of course, mother."

-Time Skip-

Mother and my sisters left the house after they finished eating breakfast, they needed to get their hair done for dinner tonight. It was nice having the house to myself because I didn't have anyone ordering me around, I mean yes I still had chores to do but I'm still alone. The day seemed to go by pretty quick as I was doing the housework and soon enough it was already time to make dinner, I decided I was gonna make an Italian dinner tonight because who doesn't love Italian? As I was pulling out the Ingredients I heard the front door open.

"We're home!!" I heard Akira shout, well alone time is now over.

"(Y/N) did you pick up the dry cleaning?!" I heard Mika ask.

"Yes! They're in your rooms!" I shouted from across the kitchen.

"Thanks sweaty!" She sang I rolled my eyes as I cut the tomato's, I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen I looked up and saw my mother with a box in her hands.

"Hello mother, may I ask what's in the box?" I asked she smiled but I could tell the smile wasn't genuine.

"Well I decided to get some new clothes for you to wear for when Lord Death's son comes to dinner tonight." I looked at her quite confused.

"R-Really?" I asked walking over to her she nodded and handed me the box.

"Open it." She simply said I set the box down on the counter and removed the top off I unfolded the tissue paper and took out the piece of clothing; it was a typical black and white waitress dress.

"It's a waitress uniform?" I looked at my mother.

"Of course because you're a low class working servant under my household for tonight, you're not my daughter do I make myself clear?" My mother said looking me straight in the eye I nodded.

"Yes mother." I said softly she smirked and patted my head.

"Good, now finish up dinner." She said as she walked away I sighed and put the uniform back in the box and moving it to the side. One day I hope to leave this place, one day.

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