Chapter 6

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I hid by the doorway in my kitchen, I know it's very wrong to eavesdrop but I really wanted to know how Kid was going to convince my mother

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I hid by the doorway in my kitchen, I know it's very wrong to eavesdrop but I really wanted to know how Kid was going to convince my mother. My heart sank when he mentioned that Meiko was my stepmother, I clenched my shirt and peaked my head out a little bit to see my mothers reaction. She just looked at the paper that just slid over to her, she held her wine glass tightly.

"That is your name on the witness line, is it not?" Kid spoke looking over at my mother, my mother seemed to gain her composer because she sat up and took a sip of her wine.

"Yes that is my name but I have good reason for not sending my beloved step child to the academy." Meiko said.

"Oh, and what may be that reason?" Kid asked I heard Meiko clear her throat.

"Well, I don't think she's ready. Simple as that, Mr. Hiroshima and I had an argument about whether my sweet (Y/N) should attend the academy; Mr. Hiroshima wanted to but I said it'd be best if the child stayed here where it's safe." Meiko said I clenched my fist and looked down at the ground, that's why I couldn't go to the DWMA. Because she thought I wasn't strong enough?

"So then why are you daughters able to attend?" Kid asked.

"Because I know they're ready. They're strong girls and are very independent, (Y/N) on the other well weak she won't stand a chance facing a kishin. She's too soft." Meiko said. 'That's it!'

"I'm not weak!" I shout stepping out of my hiding spot.

"Eavesdropping are we (Y/N)?" Meiko said I ignored her comment and walked over to the table.

"I'm sorry but mother please let me go to this school. I'm ready, I know I'm ready." I said mother scoffed and turned away but I kept pressing on.

"Mother please, daddy had a reason for enrolling me into the academy. Because he knew I'd be ready when the time came." I said.

"But you don't know how to fight let alone defend yourself, without any training what makes you think you're capable fighting off kishin." Mother said she was right, I never trained a single day in my life. I'd be squashed in a matter of seconds out on a mission. I sighed and just looked down at my shoes, so much for trying.

"Training is not a problem myself and others are happy to train new students. Besides my father has already been informed about her arrival tomorrow morning." Kid said I looked over at Kid and gave him a small smile. I looked back at my mother who was swirling the wine in her wine glass, she a let a sigh and looked back up at Kid.

"I suppose she can go." My mother said a bit enthusiastically Kid gathered up the paper work handing it to Liz who stuffed it back into her purse.

"Well I'll be sure to have everything ready for (Y/N) tomorrow, training will start tomorrow after school. Thank you the lovely din-" Kid was cut off when my mother held up her finger.

"Now hold on. I'm not finished." Mother said. I looked at her a bit confused.

"(Y/N) can go to school under on condition." Mother said as a smirked formed upon her features.

"What might that be?" Kid asked.

"I'm glad you asked, I want you to accompany my daughters to the school dance." Mother said I looked over to Kid to see his reaction but he stayed stoic.

"I told you finding a date to the dance isn't my first priority at the moment." Kid said.

"Now it is. You will escort my daughters into the dance, hang around with them, bring them punch if they need it, of course dance with them including a slow dance, and bringing them back home by midnight." Mother said.

"If I refuse?" Kid asked.

"Then my step daughter doesn't attended the academy and you're free to go with whoever you'd like to the dance." Mother said Kid sighed and cleared his throat.

"Fine I will take your daughters to the dance." Kid said.

"Well don't tell me, tell them." Mother said Kid grimaced and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Will you two like to accompany me to the dance." Kid said plainly my sisters squealed and jumped out of their seats.

"Yes! A thousands times yes!!" They said simultaneously Kid rolled his eyes and let out another sigh.

"Very well, thank you for the dinner Ms. Hiroshima but I must be going now." Kid said as he stood up adjusting his suit Liz and Patty also stood up.

"My pleasure, I do hope we can meet again." Mother said.

"You all have a goodnight now, I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)." Kid said he smiled towards me and I smiled back giving him a small wave they walked away from the dining room as soon as the were out of sight I started to pick up the dishes. My mother cleared her throat.

"Come on girls, let's get to bed and let your sister clean up she's got a big day ahead of her." Mother said pushing in her chair.

"Yes mother." They said at the same time.

"You guys have a goodnight and sleep well." I said my mother stopped by the stair case and turned to me. I slightly gulped and looked back at her.

"Goodnight (Y/N)." She simply said as she walked up the steps my sisters following her shortly after. I let out a sigh of relief and continued to clean up, I was a little shocked that my mother didn't scold me for referring to her as 'mother' and for eavesdropping but I just shrugged it off. 'Maybe mother had too much wine.'

-P.O.V Change-

As the step mother and twin sisters walked down the hall to their rooms Meiko turned over to the girls before she entered her room.

"I want you to keep a close eye on her, I think our little friends at the DWMA have some information on our little (Y/N) that might be valuable to us." Meiko said the twins nodded.

"Yes mistress." They said simultaneously.

"They know something about her, if my theories are correct we might be getting closer to where my sisters powers truly reside." Meiko said as she turned the knob to her room and opening the door.

"You think the academy might have her powers?" Mika asked.

"I don't think, I know so. They probably want (Y/N) since she is my sisters and her disgusting husband's daughter, they must think she holds the powers but they're wasting their time, I looked and nothing."

"What do you think they want to do with (Y/N)." Akira asked.

"Probably for information, that's why I don't want that girl to utter a word to the higher ups. So watch her."

Another Cinderella Story (Death the Kid x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin