Chapter 5

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I finally finished up setting up the table and making sure everything was aligned, of course to please Death the Kid

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I finally finished up setting up the table and making sure everything was aligned, of course to please Death the Kid. As I was admiring my work I heard a knock coming from the front door I looked up at the clock and noticed it was already 8:00 p.m.

"Oh that must be them." I said to myself I quickly made my way over to the front door, fixed up my hair and uniform before I opened up the door.

"Hello and welcome; Death the kid, Liz and Patty." I said moving to the side opening the door wider for them. I shut the door as soon as the came in and motioned them over to follow me. I led them to the dining room made sure this time I let them sit down before calling over my sisters.

"I'll let Meiko and her daughters know you guys are here." I said.

"Before you do, may we have a few words with you." Kid said I looked at them a bit confused.

"Uh..I'm not sure if I'm allowed to." I said Kid gave me a reassuring smile.

"It won't be long, I promise." He said I sat myself down on one of the seats across from the trio.

"Remember this morning when you expressed how you wanted to become a student at the DWMA, well I spoke with my father and he is allowing you to attend." Kid said my eyes widened and a giant smile was plastered on my face.

"R-Really?! I-" My joy slowly came to a giant halt when I remembered.

"That's really nice that you did that but I can't Meiko won't let me." I said.

"You leave that to me, I have a way to convince your mother." Kid said I smiled and hopped up from my seat.

"Y-You'd do that?" I asked Kid nodded my smile came back as I ran over to were kid was sitting and hugged him not to tight of course because I didn't want to crinkle his suit. I pulled away and blushed softly.

"S-Sorry I didn't..I-I'm just...I should Let Meiko know you're here." I said walking out of the dining room as quickly as I can.

-Death the Kid's P.O.V.-

I smiled as I watched her walk out of the dining room. I never normally let people hug me, but I suppose she's an exception.

"Are you blushing?" Liz asked I looked away from her and covered my face.

"N-No, It's j-just a little humid in here." I said Patty giggled and poked my cheek.

"He's definitely blushing!" Patty sang I grumbled.

"O-Okay I'm blushing s-so what?!" I screamed at Patty she giggled even more.

"Jeez Kid calm down, it's okay if you have a crush." Liz said this statement caused my cheeks to flare up even more.

"W-What makes you t-think I have a crush?!" I said Liz just gave me a smug look and crossed her arms.

"Oh come on, I saw the way you looked when she hugged you." Liz said

"And when you came back home from your morning walk you were super happy after running into that girl." Patty said.

"I just enjoyed our conversation is all, is that a crime?" I asked Liz and Patty giggled I sunk in my seat in defeat and let out a frustrated sigh. Liz was about to speak up but we heard footsteps coming closer to the dining room. Soon enough (Y/N) Arrived with the Hiroshima family.

"Death the Kid..others, so good to see you again." Meiko said.

"Good to see you too." I said plainly, Meiko looked over at me and smiled but the smile didn't sit right with me for some reason.

"What made you come back?" Meiko asked I sat up and cleared my throat.

"Well I wanted to discuss-" I was interrupted when Meiko spoke up.

"Why don't we talk this over some dinner so you don't leave with an empty stomach again." Meiko said she snapped her fingers.

"(Y/N)! Go get dinner." Meiko said.

"Right away." (Y/N) said as she quickly walked over to the kitchen, I sat up in my seat and looked over to Meiko she still had that smile on her face, well it was more like smirk.

"Meiko may ask about your maid?" I asked this immediately took the smirk off her face and switched to a confused look.

"My...oh (Y/N)! my maid...what about her?" Meiko asked

"How long has she served at your residents?" I asked.

"Well...I saw the poor thing by the dumpster, eating the scraps that she can find, practically filthy from head to toe. I felt for the poor child and took her in under the condition she work as my maid. She's been doing it for 10 years now." Meiko said her daughters quietly snickered. I raised my eyebrow at her not really convinced with her story, (Y/N) came out holding two trays full of dishes, while she balanced a salad bowl on her head. I stood up and walked over to her.

"Here let me help you." I said grabbing the salad bowl.

"Oh you don't have to help her the girl has been doing it for years, she knows what she's doing." Meiko said.

"It's okay I got it." (Y/N) softly whispered I shook my head.

"I may be your guest but I don't mind helping out when needed." I said (Y/N) smiled and mouthed a small 'thank you'. I set down the salad bowl in the middle of the table making sure that it was exactly in the middle, (Y/N) set one of the trays down and started passing out the dishes to her mother and sisters then shortly after passing out our food.

"Thank you (Y/N), you can leave now." Meiko said shooing her away I watched as (Y/N) left the room then I soon turned my attention back to Ms. Meiko, I cleared my throat and sat up.

"Can we discuss what I wanted to discuss now?" I asked.

"Of course please what was it that you wanted to discuss again?" Meiko said taking a sip of her wine.

"About your maid, so you took her in you say, that is very kind of you." I said Meiko smiled and hummed in delight.

"Yes well I like to be good to the unfortunate." She said I noticed Liz roll her eyes and take a bite of her food.

"Now why the sudden interest in my maid? Are you looking to get one yourself?" Meiko asked I shook my head.

"No, I just simply don't believe she's just your maid." I said taking a sip of water Meiko looked at me slightly confused.

"I-I beg your pardon?" Meiko said Liz leaned over and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Kid what are you doing? You promised her you wouldn't tell." Liz whispered.

"I have it under control." I whispered back Liz pulled away and sat back down in her seat.

"You see I've done some digging and I have reason to believe that (Y/N) is the daughter of Mr. Hiroshima and you married Mr. Hiroshima, correct?" I said looking over to her she seemed caught of guard by my sudden statement she took another sip of her wine and cleared her throat.

"Yes I did, but I don't remember him having or speaking of a daughter." Meiko said

"I think I might have something that will ring a bell, Liz may I see your purse." I asked Liz looked at me slightly confused but she pulled out her purse and handed over to me. I opened up the bag and pulled out the large file and placing it on the table.

"When did you put that in there??" Liz asked.

"Not important at the moment, you see before Mr. Hiroshima passed away he filled out some papers for his daughter, (Y/N), to enroll into the DWMA. He sighed the paperwork and well so did you." I said as I opened up the file and sild it over to her she gripped her wine glass and looked down at the file.

"Once again I don't believe (Y/N) is just your maid, I believe she is your step daughter."

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