Chapter 3

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As I led Liz to the bathroom I sighed and turned over to her

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As I led Liz to the bathroom I sighed and turned over to her.

"I'm so sorry again for my clumsiness, if I had watched where I was going I wouldn't have dropped the beverages on you." I said Liz gave me a reassuring smile and shook her head.

"It's totally cool..(Y/N) was it?" Liz asked I nodded

"Besides I can be clumsy too sometimes." Liz said we approached the bathroom and I opened the door for her.

"I'll get you a towel and see if one of my sisters will let you borrow some clothing." I said Liz looked at me with total shock.

"W-Wait those are you sisters?!" Liz asked.

"Well step sisters." I said.

"So that means..Meiko is your step mother?" Liz asked I sighed and nodded.

"Yes but please don't tell my mother that I told you this. she doesn't like people knowing I'm her step daughter." I said.

"Why is that?" Liz asked.

"Because she want to associate herself with low levels like me." I said looking down at my shoes.

"Hey I don't think of you in that way, You seem like a really cool girl to hang around, you also remind me of one my friends back at school." Liz said I smiled and bowed my head.

"Thank you, well I should probably get you that towel and an extra change of clothing." I said

"I don't need the extra change of clothing, no offense but I think your step sisters dress kind of tacky." Liz said I giggled and shook my head,

"It's cool, I personally think so too." I said walking out of the bathroom.

-Time Skip-

As we were walking back to the dining room me and Liz decided to make small talk so it wasn't a quiet walk back.

"So you don't go to school at all?" Liz asked I shook my head.

"My mother believes my work is here." I said

"Yikes, It must be suffocating just being here all day." Liz said.

"Well sometimes I go out, when I get groceries, pick up dry cleaning, and sometimes go shopping with them when they don't wanna carry their own stuff." I said

"That's awful." Liz said.

"Well when you do it for such a long time, you get use to it." I sighed we soon arrived at the dining room and Liz sat back down in her seat.

"Alright well now that is settled, (Y/N) go fetch dinner." My mother said.

"Right away." I said.

"No need, I should be on my way anyways." Death the kid said getting up from his seat. My sister gasped and looked up at him from their seats.

"B-But you just got here!" Mika said

"Yeah why are you leaving so soon?!" Akira asked

"Why don't you stay for a bit Kid, we haven't even eaten dinner yet." My mother said but he shook his head.

"I'm sorry but my father assigned me for a mission that I must get to, thank you for inviting us to your lovely home." Kid said pushing his chair in, Liz and Patty also got up.

"Very well then, I hope we can do this again soon." My mother said.

"I'll lead you guys out." I said

"That's very kind out you but we can take it from here, thank you again for inviting us over." Kid said he stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked out of the dining room with his weapons walking be his side. My mother gave a frustrated sigh and gave me a glare.

"Come here." She said in a low voice I gulped softly and walked over to her.

"Y-Yes mothe-" I was interrupted when my mother threw her drink onto my face and threw the cup by my feet causing it to shatter. I rubbed my eyes and looked at her.

"How do you like it! This is all your fault you worthless child." She said as she stood up from her seat.

"M-Mother I fail to s-see how this was my fault." I said but I regret even opening my mouth because I felt a painful sensation on my cheek my head was turned to the side and I was looking at the floor.

"Don't you dare talk back to me! Now pick up this mess and you are not to have dinner tonight. Do I make myself clear?" She said.

"Yes mother." I said still looking down at the floor I felt my mother smirk.

"Good, come on girls let your sister clean up while we go rest up for the night." Mother said my sister got up from their chairs and followed my mother as they were walking up the steps I heard my sisters insulting me.

"She ruins everything, why did we even keep her?'"

"We should just toss her out to the curb like the dirty kitten she is."

-Death the Kid's P.O.V.-

"Well I guess we went over there for nothing." I sighed, this didn't make any sense where could the witches child be? I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Well I wouldn't say for nothing." Liz said I looked over at her.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Because while I was in the bathroom with the maid I got some info from her." She said

"Like what?"

"Well that maid is Ms. Hiroshima's step daughter." Liz said.

"So it's possible that she might be the witches child because her dad is Mr. Hiroshima." Liz said I stopped dead on my tracks, how is that possible? When I looked into the girls' soul it was normal human one, there is a possibility that perhaps she didn't inherit her mothers powers but I can't be too sure.

"Everything all right Kid?" Liz asked I sighed and looked up at them.

"Yes sorry, but didn't you get any other information?" I asked.

"Well she doesn't go to school like at all and from what she's told me her step mom and sisters have like zero respect for her and basically treat her like a servant." Liz said.

"That's quite an awful lifestyle." I said Liz scoffed.

"No kidding I mean I can't imagine serving people like that. I'd lose my shit, but somehow she manages to do it." Liz said. Maybe there is a reason the girl is being shunned and frowned upon my her step family, I certainly don't condone it but there has to be something we don't know but there is only one way to get more information.

"Girls I have a plan." They looked at me I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"We're gonna have to go back and actually stay for dinner."

Another Cinderella Story (Death the Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now