Chapter 4

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It was a beautiful morning in Death City today, I was out in the farmers market getting groceries for tonight's dinner because Death the Kid and his weapons are going to have dinner with us again tonight

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It was a beautiful morning in Death City today, I was out in the farmers market getting groceries for tonight's dinner because Death the Kid and his weapons are going to have dinner with us again tonight. I remember this morning my mother burst into my little shed and woke me up demanding I get what I need for dinner while she and the girls do yoga, she says I ruin their zen but if anything they ruin mine. I was carrying two bag fulls of groceries through the farmers market but it was a little hard to see considering the bags were huge and groceries were pilled up to the brim. As I was walking I bumped into someone, thankfully the groceries or me didn't fall over.

"Oh! I'm sorry I wasn't watching were I was going." I said I looked over to see who I bumped into, it was Death the Kid.

"It's quite alright-hey aren't you the girl who served us in the Hiroshima manor?" Kid asked I nodded.

"Yep." I said

"(Y/N)? correct?" he I asked I nodded.

"You got it." I said Kid chuckled.

"Well it's nice seeing you again, my that is quite a lot of groceries you got right there; let me help you." Kid said I was about to protest but I felt one of the bags being removed from my grasp.

"That is really nice of you Death the Kid but you don't have to." I said he smiled at me which caused me to softly blush.

"I don't mind, plus it looked like your arms were going to collapse if you carried them any longer." Kid said I smiled and bowed my head.

"Thank you Death the Kid." I said.

"Please, call me Kid."

-Time Skip-

We were walking back to the manor when Kid decided to make some small talk.

"So (Y/N) do you go to school?" He asked I shook my head.

"No, my mother believes my work is at home." I said

"That's awful." Kid said I shrugged my shoulders and sighed.

"Can't really do much about it, it's always been my dream to attended the DWMA to become a meister just like my father but mother pulled me out of school after my father died, just about everything changed about her. She use to be nice and caring towards me and my sisters but now she's only really nice to my sisters." I said.

"I'm sorry that you have to live in such conditions but why haven't you left?" Kid asked.

"I have no were to go, I don't have other family. They're the only family I have unfortunately." I said.

-Death the Kid's P.O.V.-

Listening to how (Y/N) is treated at home breaks my heart, she seems like a really nice girl who wouldn't hurt a fly. It's unfortunate that someone like her is being treated so harshly, I looked over at her as we were walking; I have to admit she is a beautiful girl, she also had this warm smile on her face that made me smile as well. She slightly turned to me causing me to quickly avert my eyes hoping she didn't catch me staring at her. I cleared my throat.

"So (Y/N) if you don't mind me asking who was your father?" I asked.

"I don't mind, my father is Mr. Hiroshima but please don't tell my step mother I told you this, she doesn't want people to know I'm her step daughter." She said I looked at her a bit confused.

"Why is that?" I asked

"Because she says I'm a low class citizen and she can't be associated with people like me." she said I shook my head.

"Well I think-excuse my french, your step mother is a bitch." I said I heard (Y/N) giggle which caused the butterflies in my stomach to go crazy. We finally approached the manor which made me a little upset. She sighed and took the paper bag of groceries out of my hands.

"Well this is my stop, thank so much Kid for helping me I do appreciate it." She said.

"No problem, it was nice talking to you (Y/N)." I said (Y/N) smiled as a blush formed on her soft cheeks. 'adorable' I thought.

"It was nice talking to you too Kid, I should get inside I'll see you later tonight." (Y/N) said as she managed to open the door.

"Have a wonderful rest of your day." I said as she shut the door I smiled and stuffed my hands into my pockets walking away from the property.

-P.O.V. change-

I smiled softly as I pressed my back against the door, 'he is so cute.' I blushed softly at this thought and shook my head. The idea of Kid being interested in someone like me made me laugh because why would he ever.

"What to you so long?" I jumped when I heard Mika's voice. I looked over and saw both of my sisters with their arms crossed and scowls on their features.

"I was out grocery shopping remember? Mother sent me out to get things for tonight's dinner." I said as I tried to get away from them they blocked me.

"I have to make dinner, please just let me-Ow!!" I winced as I felt Mika pull my hair she pulled my over so I was close to her face.

"Don't play dumb you pig. we saw you with Kid. If you don't want mother to know about this I suggest you march upstairs and clean our rooms." Mika said.

"M-Mika I have to p-prepare dinner-o-oow!!" I yelped when she pulled harder.

"Did I stutter?" Mika angrily said through gritted teeth.

"M-Mika I think (Y/N) h-has had enough." Akira spoke up MIka turned to her sister and let go of my hair. She slowly walked over to her.

"What was that Akira?" Mika asked.

"I-I said (Y/N) has had e-enough, she got the message." Akira said I watched the scene unfold before me, never once have I witnessed one of the girls disagree with one another when it came to abusing me. It was odd hearing Akira try to defuse the situation and honestly kinda shocked me.

"You're telling me what to do? Because last time I checked I saved us from getting turn-" Mika stopped herself and let out a frustrated sigh and turned back to me.

"What are you waiting for?! My room isn't gonna clean itself, Akira's though..." She gave a slight glare towards her sister.

"I wouldn't even bother, just hurry up so you can make your crappy dinner." Mika said as she flipped her blonde locks and walked away. Akira was going to follow shortly after until I stopped her.

"u-uh thank y-you." I said softly but she shrugged her shoulders.

"whatever." She said and walked away.

-Time Skip-

After I finished up cleaning up Mika's room and preparing dinner I surprisingly had enough time to relax for a while before getting ready. I laid on my bed as I looked up at the ceiling of my tiny shed; I thought about Kid and how handsome he was, not only that but how nice he was to be back at the farmers market. No one after my dad passed away has ever been nice to me let alone offer me help. I sighed and sat up, I've never really had a crush when I was growing up mostly because I was stuck here with awful ladies. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my phone ring.

"Hello?" I answered

"(Y/N)! Why hasn't the table been set up yet?!" I heard my mother screech I mentally slapped myself.

"I'm sorry mother I'll get right on that." I said

"Remember don't call me mother tonight and don't screw up like yesterday night, got that?" Mother said.

"Understood...I'll be there to set up the table momentarily, Meiko." I said I heard her hum in delight.

"Good, now hurry you know how little my patients is with you." Mother said as she hung up the phone. I sighed and stuffed my phone in my dress pocket.

"Well let's get this over with."

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