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"And coming across the start finish line for the final time tonight...your brand new Cup Series champion...Ryan Blaney."

The voice of Dale Earnhardt Jr announcing the finish was nearly drowned out by the cheers from Ryan's 12 team, as well as my own sobbing over this momentous occasion. Cup Series Champion Ryan Blaney had a very nice ring to it.

As I climbed down from the pit box to make my way to join Ryan and the rest of the team to celebrate, my mom sent me a text saying that she was on her way from the bus with Makenna. I had been there earlier, but after Makenna had fallen asleep, I had decided to join the team, as well as Ryan's mom and dad in the pit box. I couldn't wait. This was our two month old daughters first race, and what a race it was. She was going to get to celebrate with her daddy in victory lane.

I waited off on the sidelines for my mom to arrive with Makenna, while Ryan and his team began the victory celebration of showering everyone with Body Armor, champagne and whatever other liquid was on hand.

My mom finally arrived with my still sleeping daughter, who I knew would not be sleeping much longer. We shared a hug, and I made sure the showering was over before Makenna and I joined them.

At that point, I could see Ryan looking around frantically before he finally spotted us in the crowd, and his face broke out into a huge smile.

"There's my girls." He exclaimed, wrapping us in a huge hug. He planted a kiss on my lips before placing one on Makenna's forehead. She opened her eyes, which were so much like her fathers and gave him a big, toothless smile.

"I'm so damn proud of you champ. I knew you could do it." I beamed at him as the flashbulbs from the camera's went off around us.


"Miss fussy butt is down for the count. Finally. Let's see how long it's going to last." I stifled a yawn and sat down on the couch with Ryan and gladly took the glass of champagne he held out to me.

"I think Mama needs a vacation." He laughed, as I yawned widely.

"No kidding. When do we leave for Nashville again?" I joked.

"How about I whisk you off to some tropical paradise where we spend our days laying in bed all day making love, and just forget the rest of the world?"

"That sounds like heaven, but what about Makenna?" I asked.

"Makenna has two sets of grandparents and two aunts who can't wait to get her all to themselves." He replied.

It did indeed sound like heaven, but the thought of leaving my tiny baby girl terrified me.

"We could make it a family vacation if you don't want to leave her, but I really think you and I need a little time to ourselves during the off-season." He said gently.

He was right. Once the offseason was over, we would never get any time to ourselves. The race schedule was already hectic, and I could not even begin to imagine the amount of media obligations he would have as reigning champion. Just thinking about made me even more exhausted than I already was.

"Hmmmm. I'll think about it." I laughed, knowing I would probably cave.

"C'mon Livvy. It'll be fun. You know you want to." He said tempting me further, as his fingertips traced my jawline, then my lips.

"Alright. You win." I laughed.

"Maybe we can work on baby number two." He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

I literally snorted. "Are you out of your mind? We need to get this one sleeping through the night before we even begin to think about another." I was laughing, but couldn't deny the thought had crossed mind. I couldn't wait to have a houseful of kids with this man. Nope. Bad idea. At least wait until Makenna was potty trained.

"Okay, Maybe that is a little crazy, but we can at least practice for number two." He flashed the grin that always got me weak.

Ugh! When he gave me that look, I completely forgot just how exhausted I was. "Well, you know what they say...Practice makes perfect." I grinned back.

As I melted into his kiss, I couldn't help but think about just how perfect my life was. Our life. I had the most amazing husband who still took my breath away with just his smile. We had a beautiful, healthy daughter, and Ryan had just won a championship. Our future was bright and we had plenty of time to think about expanding our family.

"I think I'm going to need a little more practice." He flashed his panty dropping smile as his hands made quick work of my sweatshirt.

"I love you Ryan Michael Blaney." I said, my own hands finding the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head.

"I love you more Olivia James Blaney."

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