Chapter 20

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"I love you."

The sweetest words I've ever heard fall from his lips. I didn't care if he was remembering that he loved me, or that he had fallen in love with me, all that mattered were the words themselves.

The world stopped spinning at that moment and time seemed to stand still. The breath was robbed from my chest. If this was a dream, I hoped I'd never wake up. He pressed his lips to mine, and I swore there were fireworks going off outside, in my head. Everywhere. The kiss was so soft, so sweet, so full of meaning, that it had me swooning. He said he loved me.

"I love you so much." I replied, melting into his arms as they wrapped tightly around me, both of us clinging to the other.

It was Makenna banging her hands on the top of her high chair tray that broke us apart with a laugh. That child seriously needed to work on her timing. Ryan picked her up from her high chair and she began babbling. "Good morning princess. I haven't forgotten about you." He cooed to her. He looked so happy holding her. He was such a natural as a father. "What does mommy think about you spending the night with grandma and grandpa tonight?" He looked at me.

"Why?" I asked, still breathless, my head spinning so fast, I could not think straight.

"We need a date night. Have we done those before? I can't remember." He grinned teasingly at me.

"Yes, but I don't know if I feel like going out." I replied, thinking that people would see us and might start asking Ryan questions that he probably wasn't up to answering.

"We could stay in. I think I like that better. I just want some time for us, and as much as I adore our daughter, you have to admit her timing is terrible." I laughed because I had the same thought.


My mom came by early that evening to pick up Makenna. She noticed the change in Ryan's demeanor and our closeness, and couldn't help but smile, yet her smile turned into a slight frown when he addressed her as "Mrs. James," instead of Kathy. She didn't correct him however.

A few moments later, when Ryan left the room to get Makenna, she whispered to me, "He still doesn't remember?"

"He's remembering a little more each day, we just have to be patient. He told me that he loves me though." I practically gushed.

"I'm so happy to hear that honey." She hugged me tightly.

Ryan entered the room with a bright eyed Makenna and an overnight bag and handed her over to my mother. I felt a slight twinge of guilt over pushing my daughter onto my parents for the night, but I brushed it off. Ryan and I really needed this, and I knew they didn't mind in the slightest.

After showering Makenna with hugs and kisses, my mom left with her, and suddenly, that dreaded awkwardness hung in the air. Now what?

Earlier that morning, I had placed a pork roast in the crockpot to cook all day. I didn't want to spend hours standing over a stove all day cooking while Ryan and I were finally alone. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous though. I had an idea of what may happen tonight, or hoped would happen, and although I was excited for it, I had to remind myself that this was going to be like our first time for Ryan. If it happened that is.

We watched TV for a bit, cuddling on the couch, but there was a palpable sense of anticipation hanging in the air. Dinner was ready, so I got up to fix our plates. When I walked into the living room to let Ryan know, and I nearly squealed in delight when I saw him starting a fire, there was a thick pile of blankets and pillows set up in front of the fireplace. The lights were dimmed, candles were lit, and a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses sat a few feet away.

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