Chapter 21

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It was the most perfect night I could have imagined. After making love, Ryan and I just held each other for a long time. His hands could not get enough of my body, touching, teasing, stroking, kissing. I never wanted to move from this spot. I know this all felt so new for him, but it felt just as new for me as well. I felt like he was memorizing everything about me, and my own hands and mouth were showing him just how much I knew about him and what he liked. I was relearning everything about him as well. It felt like it had been so long.

After a long while of exploring each other, I was nestled against him, both of us on our sides, spooning. His talented fingers on my clit taking me to new heights. I couldn't tell you how many orgasms he had given me tonight. His hardness was pressing against me from behind, and I was on the verge of begging him to take me again when I felt him slip inside of me effortlessly. I swear my body was made for him and him only.

I loved this position. His hands were free to touch my breasts and my clit, and his tip hit me at just the right angle to tease at my g spot, and my walls stretched around him tightly so I felt every glorious inch. The pace he set was slow, tantalizingly slow, but with his fingers dancing over my clit, I was spiraling towards an explosive orgasm in no time.

A few minutes and one more earth shattering orgasm later, he reached his own release, the most delicious moan I'd ever heard coming from his lips.

My body felt so drained, my heart so full. I didn't want to move. Half of me was almost afraid that this was just a dream, and moving would cause me to wake up, and the other half was too sated and too content to even think about moving.

My eyes were getting heavy. I just needed to close them for just a few moments, because I had a feeling I needed to build up my energy again. The night wasn't over just yet, and the serotonin coursing through my body made me feel even more at peace.

Sure enough, after resting for however long, my greedy hands were reaching for him again. I could not get enough.

Ryan's POV

Olivia and I never made it to the bedroom last night. We could not get enough of each other. After making love two more times, we were finally sated and fell asleep in front of the fire, our limbs tangled together, completely wrapped up in each other. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Waking up this morning with her warm, naked body in my arms, I could not stop smiling. My head and my heart were so full. I could not take my eyes off of her as she slept. I wanted so badly to wake her, but I was also perfectly content to just keep watching her.

As if she felt my gaze on her, her eyes fluttered open and her lips curved into a soft smile. "Don't you know it's creepy watching someone sleep?" Her words sent a thrill throughout my body as the familiarity of her words filtered through my brain. My smile widened.

"I do know. I actually remember you telling me that a few times. You just look so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you." I pressed my lips to hers, thinking maybe she was still half asleep and didn't catch the full implication of my words.

"That was the best night's sleep I've gotten weeks." She sighed in contentment. She was glowing. With her skin flushed and sleep and sex tousled hair forming a halo around her face, she had never looked more beautiful.

I ran my hand along her bare thigh, up to the curve of her hip, and let my hand rest there for a moment, the warmth of her soft skin sending a flash of heat from my palm throughout my entire body. "I remember for the champions banquet you were wearing this dark green dress. It had a split that nearly came up to your hip. I spent all night thinking about how I couldn't wait to take it off of you. You spent hours getting ready that night, but I was going to undo it all in a matter of seconds."

"I did love that dress." She said, her eyes still heavy lidded, her face flushed even deeper.

I then ran my hand along the tattoo on her other hip, my fingertips tracing the reddish pink flower. "I would love to tell you I remember your favorite flower, but the truth is, you don't have one. You aren't much of the flowers and jewelry type, but when I need to suck up for something stupid I either said or did, coffee is always the go to. For gifts in general, you love a spa day or concert tickets. The first concert I took you to was Cole Swindell. You were so starstruck to meet him because you didn't realize he and I were friends."

Her eyes suddenly widened, and she opened her mouth to speak, but I placed my index finger over her lips to silence her. I had so much more to tell her.

"Your favorite artists are Riley Green, Morgan Wallen and Luke Combs. You said throw Travis Denning in there as well, and it would be a dream concert. You were even more starstruck meeting Riley Green than you were with Cole. I teased you that you might leave me for him. You have such a love for music. You gave metal a chance like you promised me you would, but you just didn't like it. Your guilty pleasure was and still is old Taylor Swift. You have a playlist that you love to sing along to."

"Ry..." She began, her eyes widening even further, but I shushed her again.

I brushed back the lock of hair from her face, and rubbed the silky strands between my thumb and index finger. "You've had a total of three gray hairs that you named Daytona, Richmond and Richmond Jr. You should probably have an entire head full named Daytona right now." I said with a slight grin. Her eyes looked a little pained when I said this, and even though I knew she wanted to say something, she didn't because I think she sensed I wasn't done yet.

"Your favorite food is bacon cheeseburgers and anything chocolate. You live for coffee. Whiskey makes you a little wild and you do crazy things like get tattoos. Like I told you last night, I don't want you to ever regret that tattoo on your ass. I think it's perfect. You are perfect."

I looked at her and saw the tears shining in her eyes. "You're remembering more." She whispered, almost as if she were spellbound, and if she said the words out loud, the spell would be broken.

I nodded, but silenced her again with my index finger over her lips. Maybe I was feeling a little spellbound as well, and if I didn't get this all out, I might break the spell too. "Right now, here in this moment, I'm living in a perfect life. I am the luckiest guy in the world. Not only do I remember just how much I love you, but I had the chance to fall in love with you all over again. How many people get to experience that in their lifetime?

"You remembered all of that?" She whispered, her hazel eyes wide, shining with unshed tears.

"Livvy, I remember everything."

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