Chapter Three

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Ash's POV

I had bandaged up Pikachu with the handkerchief in my pocket and lay him on my lap. I examined the cell to see if there is any place where I could escape. But there were none. "Pi..." Pikachu looked at me worried; I smiled and pat, him slowly. "Don't worry buddy we'll figure a way out of here!" I say to him. Pikachu got off my lap and looked around. "I don-" I start to say before Pikachu tries to use Iron tail. "No! don't Pikachu" I quickly grab him." You're still hurt." He looked at me then held his head low. "I know you want to escape too but, Lysandre has all of my other Pokemon's.

Pikachu's POV

I stared at my trainer. I could see he was in pain. There have been a lot of times where he has been, hurt but nothing like this. He starts to say something but, I can't figure out what. "What's wrong Ash?" I ask but, of course, all he hears is "Pika Pika" The next few seconds go like this without me knowing what he is saying. "I'm so sorry" I finally hear him say clearly. My heart screams with pity for him. He doesn't deserve this. Not at all. I have to get us out.

One of the Grunt nearby POV

I hear the boy sob as his Pikachu tries to comfort him. I feel the vivid urge to help him. But I dare not to. See if anyone betrays or disobey Lysandre they don't live the next day even if you try to run. I feel sorry for the boy. I heard that he was going back home when all of this happened. As I tear my gaze away from him, I see another member of team Flare coming."Hey It's my turn to guard him now go take a break," he says coldly. I nod and leave the site to take my break.

Ash's POV

I felt so miserable for getting Pikachu and others into this mess. I wipe tears off. When I see Pikachu trying to hug me. His tiny arms were on my waist and, I could tell he was trying to comfort me. Suddenly I wonder how everyone back at home must be thinking. I haven't gone back for at least 4-5 days. This thought made me uneasy. Everyone must be so worried about me. Especially mom and Serena.I know mom wouldn't do anything that might put her in danger but knowing that Serena likes me, it's hard to say really. I looked down at Pikachu who could tell I was thinking. "Pi Pika" he cried. I manage a small reassuring smile and tel,l him that we're going to escape from this place.

The cell grew even darker as nightfall came. Pikachu slept soundly on my lap as I slowly patted him. I needed Pikachu to rest as much as he could break through the cell which; was the first step on getting away from here. I watched through the tiny window (which barely let any light in) and saw a small section of stars glittering in the midnight sky. I stayed awake as I didn't want to be off guard. I couldn't trust them. For the first time in life, I felt alone even though Pikachu was with me. Before I had my friends, and though there were times where we got separated on our journey. We always got back together but, now they don't even know where I am or who could have taken me.

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