Chapter Five

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My eyes widen as I stare at the teenager. Jet black hair, dark blue jacket, and a Pikachu on his shoulder. "Greninja! Everyone! I'm so glad you're alright" the raven-haired boy shouts as he runs towards us.

Ash's POV

I run towards my Pokémon. No-one looks alright. "Come we have to get out of here. Lysandre must have known by now that we are gone" I explain untying Greninja. The ropes which are tied, to Greninja were so tight that at first, I thought I wouldn't be able to do it. "Greninja quick try using cut upwards," I say hoping it would work. Greninja nods and uses cut causing, the ropes to slice through them. "Ah, It works" I shout with a bit of joy. We manage to get everyone free. And we're about to go when I spot something from the corner of my eye. My bag and the poke balls. I quickly run towards them and pick them up. "Right everyone back in your poke ball. You'll heal quickly" I say putting, everyone back. 

Just as I was about to put Greninja back, he caught my wrist. "Grenin," he says sternly. I know precisely; What he's trying to say but I won't let him. " I know you want to help get out of here but, you're injured" I protest. Greninja gives me a long hard stare. When I finally let him. " Alright you win but, you're only going to attack when I say so got it". Greninja nods and, we run through the corridors again. For some reason, something felt off to me. I stopped in my track with Greninja by my side. "Greninja haven't we gone past here?" I ask. Greninja looks around and nods. "But how can we be going in circles?" Suddenly a Zoroark appears from the shadows although it doesn't seem to have its trainer with him.

"A Zoroark! But where is it's trainer" I say. Right then the Pokémon uses shadow ball towards us which Pikachu counters with electro ball. Both moves collide which caused; smoke in the area. " No wait Zoroark" yells someone. Out of the smoke comes out a trainer which I got to know in Kalos. "Alain!" I shout running; towards him. "Why are you here?" Alain smiles at first but changes expressions quickly. " I could ask you the same thing?" he says in a serious, tone. Pikachu jumps on my shoulder as I go deep into thoughts.

 If Alain was here; Did Lysandre bring him here for the same reason? "How did you get here?" I ask. " I don't know either... see I was training with Charizard when everything went blank and when I woke up I was in a room locked up. It a good thing they didn't take Charizard or I would've never been able to get out" He finishes.

"That's what happens to us but, they were somewhere else," I tell him. As Alain was about to say something, we hear the grunts coming towards us. "We can't stay here," he says taking; my wrist and leading the way. "Did Lysander tell you why he brought you here?" I shout while running. "No, why?" he shouts back. Before I could answer Alain, leads me into a dark room with Greninja behind us. "Are they gone?" I ask as Alain lets go of my wrist. "I-"He gets interrupted as the lights come on. "They're right here," says Lysandre from behind.

 We stare in anger while Lysandre smirks from where he sits. "Grab him..." He commands and, one of the grunts starts to walk up to us. We try to move from where we stand; however, something stops us from moving. "Ash!" "Pika Pi" yell both Pikachu and Alain. The grunt moves me from the spot and, a bar cage appears around Alain Pikachu and Greninja.

Let's make a deal, shall we?

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