Chapter Six

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Alain's POV

As one of the grunts takes Ash, an iron cage surrounds me, Pikachu and Greninja. "Let's make a deal shall we..." says Lysandre. "Pika!" shouted Pikachu. He had an electro ball on its tail ready to attack. "I wouldn't if I were you rat" sneered Lysandre. He pointed towards Ash. "Pikachu stop," I said calmly. Pikachu looks at me, worried, and angry. But I know that if we don't do as Lysandre says he would hurt Ash. I look over to Greninja who is gazing towards Lysandre. I don't need to understand what he's thinking; because it's clear. He's going to end this and Save Ash. But How?

"What's your deal?" I ask bitterly. Lysandre turns his attention towards me and smiles. "Well, it's for Ash. I will let all his Pokémon, as well as you Alain, go but only if he stays or He goes and well let's just it won't be nice." He finishes. All of us have a horrified look on our face. Especially Ash. And knowing him, he would probably stay here. "I..." Ash starts to say. "Pika pi" cries Pikachu. He too must have known what Ash's answer is. I grip on to the iron bar give Lysandre a death glare though he just laughs. He only wants Ash to suffer by making him choose between his friends and Pokémon and himself. "Let them go Lysandre," Ash says finally. Even Greninja is shocked by this. He isn't thinking straight. "Hahaha, splendid" laughs Lysandre. "And don't worry your, little friends will be safe."

At that moment, I could see a glimpse of uneasiness in his eyes. "Ash Please think about this" I shouted. "There has to be another way out." Ash doesn't look at me or even glance. "Let me talk to them alone," Ash says coldly. Lysandre looks irritated with this but agrees.

Ash's POV

After we were left alone in the room. I can sense my friends looking at me. "I'm sorry but, I can't bare to see you guys hurt," I say looking at my feet. I feel Alain's hand on my shoulder and, I look up. "There has to be another way," He says anxiously. I shake my head. "Once you get out of here please can you go to Pallet Town in Kanto Pikachu will lead you there." I explain " When you get there, please tell my mother that I'm...I'm okay" "No you're not" Alain yells interrupting me. "I think we are still in Kalos and if Serena is there tell her not do anything stupid please" I finish. None of them were happy about my decision. Especially Pikachu. "Times up!" Shouts one of the grunts and Alain, Pikachu, Greninja and my other Pokemons are taken away.

Greninja's POV

We go into a room with a huge machine which looks like it has arms. "You'll be transported from here to any region you want" Explains the grunt. "Transport us to Kanto," Says Alain. We all stand in the middle of the machine before everything turns white.

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