Chapter Eight

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Alain's POV

(Few minutes before being teleported)

We were walking down a corridor with three grunts. Two behind us and one in front. I look over to Greninja and then Pikachu who is on my shoulder. He looks worried. Couldn't blame him though we have no idea what will be come of Ash after we leave. That's when I get an idea. "Greninja" I whisper and he glances my way then glances back. "I want you to stay here..." Both Pikachu and Greninja look at me. "Pika" whispers Pikachu and I know he wants to stay. "It would be better because if anything happens to Ash Pikachu you won't be able to carry him whereas Greninja can" I whisper again. Pikachu doesn't look happy about this. Greninja nods and we enter a room with a huge teleporting machine. 

Present time (Still Alain's POV)

I wake up and find my myself near a forest entrance. That's when I notice.


I look around quickly only to find trees, bushes and some Pokémon staring at me. I get up and look around once more. At this stage I'm worried. What if something happened. Then it hits me. Pikachu's reaction when I told him he would come with me. "He must have jumped out like Greninja did before being teleported" I think. "But why wouldn't he. From what I know Pikachu was Ash's fist Pokémon." I start to walk towards the nears town which I'm hoping is Pallet Town. "Did you hear the twerp never made it home" I hear a woman say. Twerp... I know the only two people who would call Ash that. Team Rocket! "Team Rocket is that you!" I shout to the direction I heard the voice come from. 

The bushes rustle and a man with purplish bluish hair with a woman with pink hair come out along with a Meowth. "You're the one who lost to the twerp in the Kalos league" says Jessie. I nod. "You follow Ash everywhere don't you" I ask them and all three of them nod. "Then you must know how Ash got kidnapped." they look at each other when hearing this. "Unfortunately for you kid no we don't" Meowth starts to say. " We saw the twerp about to board the plane so we quickly went to our transport to get a head start. And like always we waited at the Pallet airport. We waited and waited but the twerp never arrived. We went to his house thinking he went home but wasn't there either. Meowth finishes. "You know where he lives" I blurt out. They nod again I ask them to show me but as they have to go back to their headquarter they tell me the directions. When I got there a stunning house came into view. 

Pallet Town itself looked as I had stepped from reality to virtual world. With its green sceneries and beautiful meadows. Outside Ash's house a with jet black hair stood with it's Lucario. "Ummm e-excuse me is this Ash Ketchum's house" I asked nervously. The man looked at me confused. "It should be why are you asking may I ask" He questioned.​ I told him I had news regarding Ash. We're about to go inside when the man's watch starts beeping. "You go on ahead I am waiting anyway" he tells me and disappear with his Lucario. 

(Before Alain goes inside) / Red's POV

"Wait what do you mean?" I question him. None of them talk at first not even Mom and the room is filled with dead silence. "Please tell me did something...happen to him?" I hesitate. Suddenly Mom bursts in to tears while a honey blonde hair girl walk up to her and tries to calm her down. "Dawn can you calm Mrs Ketchum down while Me and Gary go and talk to Red" says the honey blonde hair girl. Wait how does she know my name cause I don't remember telling anyone. I follow Gary and the girl outside into the back garden. "So how do we say this..." the girl starts to say. "First of I'm Serena Yvonne we met at professor Oak's summer camp." 

" wE diD" I give her a dumb look. Gary explodes into a laughter when hearing this but goes quite when Serena gives him a death stare. I can tell she isn't in the mood for this. "Anyway Ash was travelling with me, Clemont and Bonnie before he disappeared" She continues. "He was suppose to be on the Kanto flight but something happened." I look at her shocked. "So where is he now?" I ask worried. Gary and Serena look at each other "We don't know" answers Gary. I shake my head in disbelief. I don't want to believe any of this. 

"I know where he is"

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