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By the time I hit my tenth birthday I was quite rebellious for your liking. I cycled, I skated , I had a lot of bruises and scratches on my knees and elbows. You didn't like that. You wanted me to be neat and clean.

Namjoon was already eleven and the perfect example of an obedient child. He was perfect. But he also struggled a lot. He didn't let anyone in, he came home early and closed everyone out. Both from his room and his self. He was scared. More than I was.

You see father , you already created an image for your beloved son that he was afraid to break. He was afraid of letting you down as much as he was afraid of loosing your love.
On the other side I wasn't scared at all. You couldn't tame me unless you scolded me and hitted me. That's why I grew so rebellious. I wanted to prove you wrong. Although I did well in school you wanted more.
So before you go ... tell me father , why was your greed taking over you so much? You strived to have the perfect children.

At the time I didn't fully understand your intentions , I just knew instinctively that I had to go against your tremendous wishes. I just wanted to have fun. I was harmlessly playing with my friends when you took me into the house thinking mom wasn't home. That was the first time you hit me infront of her. She didn't react nicely. What can I say, karma will eventually find you.

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