Chapter 2 | 💦

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Lee Minho

Minho was rubbing his temples hard, trying to prevent the headache drilling into his brain from getting any further. He'd already had a tiring day at work, and to come home to his baby sitter screaming in his face about.. something, was really the last thing he'd appreciate. Heijin and Heihyun stood behind Minho, each hugging onto one of their dad's legs as they stared up at the woman currently causing havoc in their living room.

Since her voice was raised high above what Minho could compete with, it took him a fare bit of time to get a grasp of the situation that his oh so patient babysitter was explaining to him. What seemed to have happened is that she had been trying to get Heijin to eat his carrots at lunchtime, but the boy had chosen to instead pelt the woman with the orange vegetable while calling her 'an ugly, bossy meanie'.

Now, there were a few things wrong with this argument.

First off, Minho had critically specified that the baby sitter should not feed his youngest carrots. Heijin really hated the vegetable for some reason, and would never even touch it, let alone consume it. What Heijin would also never do is have a tantrum of a somewhat violent nature. He would always go off to his room and sulk, not start a food fight. And lastly, Heihyun was there at the whole entire scene, and Minho could trust his eldest to give a complete unbiased and detailed description of what really went down.

So yeah, this baby sitter was blatantly lying.

In fact, Minho was just about to tell her all of the above, but didn't get time to as the woman announced something that made the brunette's heart stop.

"That's it! I quit, I don't want anything to do with your stupid children anymore!" The woman slung her purse over her shoulder and flounced out of the living room, snarling at Heijin and Heihyun on her way out. For Minho it took a good 4 seconds to recover from the state of shock and hurry out after her.

"Wait, you can't quit! I haven't got anyone else!" The woman smiled in fake sympathy, not trying to hide her sarcasm.

"Well, that's not my problem. Oh, and I just did." With that, Minho's front door was slammed in his face. His own door, shut on him. The brunette started massaging his temples again, zoning out with his eyes on the door. What am I going to do now? A small noise came from behind him, and Minho turned to see Heijin stood with Heihyun alongside, the younger's gaze fixed on the ground. He looked like he wanted to burst into tears, and was clutching his brother's hand for support.

"I'm sorry dad. I didn't mean to, mean to make her angry.." Minho shook his head and came to kneel in front of Heijin, who didn't lift his head up out of shame.

"It's alright baby, I'm not mad," Minho spoke gently, giving his son a little hair ruffle. He lent closer to whisper, "she was a bit of a meanie, wasn't she." Heijin let out a giggle of delight, and even Heihyun cracked a smile at his dad's playful and forgiving attitude.

After that the evening continued as normal. Minho cooked his kids their long awaited meal, making sure it was exactly what each of them liked so there wouldn't be any complications like at lunchtime. Heijin and Heihyun had more interest in how their dad's day went rather than telling him about their own, a notion which told Minho they didn't enjoy their time with the baby sitter. Or rather, ex-baby sitter.

The time after dinner went by in a flash, and before he knew it Minho was tucking his sons into bed and kissing them goodnight. Despite the events of that evening being peaceful, Minho's mind was quite the opposite. His headache had very much gotten worse, but now he had to look online for another baby sitter. A task which proved to be as difficult as Minho had anticipated.

For one thing, all of the available ones seemed to be people in their 40's to 50's. Not to sound rude, but after the previous one's over-the-top exit Minho really didn't feel like hiring another middle aged Karen. He thought someone younger would be better for Heihyun and Heijin too, as they might be able to relate more and get somewhere with the homeschooling, and someone within his own age range. Ever since his divorce Minho still hadn't been able to get enough cash together to send his sons to school, so had to settle on homeschooling. However, not every baby sitter was up to that challenge, understandably of course.

At around 21:35, Minho's head hit the desk. The brunette deep down felt like crying. If he couldn't get a babysitter he may have to quit his job, but then he wouldn't be able to support himself or his boys whatsoever. He was being dramatic, yes, but in the moment it felt like a helpless situation.

Not wanting to admit defeat just yet, Minho turned to his last and only option. Swiping his phone up from the table he went and laid on his bed, scrolling through his contacts till he reached the one he needed. With a dispirited sigh, he dialled the number and pressed the phone to his ear.

Ringing Christopher...

Heyyy Minho, you
all good?

Hi Chan. Kinda, I guess
Maybe not really

Oh? Talk to me Min
What's gettin' you down?

The babysitter quit
You don't happen to
know anyone in need
of a job? Preferably
someone young?

Why? Sick of
the elderly ay?

    They drive me nuts, and
its just no fun for the boy's.

Hmm, well.. oh!
There's a kid who works
down at the pharmacy

Why would they be looking
for a job though?

I don't mean him specifically,
but he's bound to have a mate
in need of a job. I'll give him a
call and get back to you, k?

Yes, thank you so much
Chan, you've saved my
ass from quitting

No problem Min, and hey
there was no way you were
quitting on my watch

Yeah, thanks again though
See you Tuesday, I'll have to stay
home tomorrow just in case

Alrigh' Min, get a good rest
Catch you Tuesday, bye!!

Bye Chan, make sure
you go to bed too!!

Call Ended: 21:46

Minho chose to leave his predicament in Chan's hands, pretty sure his friend would be able to get him a baby sitter that wasn't going to act like an entitled prick. Shutting down his computer the brunette got ready for bed, throwing himself under the covers and trying not to worry about things too much. If fate made that woman leave, then fate will bring Minho someone else to look after his kids.

What Minho didn't know, nor Jisung for that matter, was that fate had a lot more in store for the two of them then they could have ever imagined possible.

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