🦐 pistol shrimp 🦐

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*can snap their claws to create a bubble that produces a sonic blast

*this sonic blast also can be as hot as the sun and kills its prey

*the blast can also result in a sound louder than a gunshot 

*their blast can also be strong enough to break glass

*thought they are loud and superpowered (in a way!) they are actually very small

*their size ranges from 3 to 5 cm (a little over one inch)

*along with other pistol shrimp, these little guys can disrupt sonar communication in the water 

*in the shrimp's native habitat of the coral reef, they will form symbiotic relationships with goby fish 

*goby fish will keep guard (because they have good eye sight) while the pistol shrimp will build the home (because they're good at burrowing)

*when they live in colonies, they will have one queen

*the rest of the males will be guards and protectors of the colony

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