🔻axolotl 🔻

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*can regenerate parts of their brains

*can also regenerate lost limbs!

*besides being regenerative, they are also more resistant to cancer than humans are 

*they are called "Mexican Walking Fish" but remember! they're actually amphibians

*however, unlike  most amphibians, they don't leave the water once they reach adulthood

*they stay aquatic for their lives

*the term for animals that don't change much as they get older is "neoteny"

*these happy little creatures are critically endangered due to invasive species and habitat loss

*they are also threatened by capture for the pet trading market 

*for all animals, please adopt don't shop! many breeders and sellers are unethical and there are many animals sitting in shelters that could be adopted instead of having all new animals specially bred into the world

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