Chapter 4

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Rin's pov*

We get out of the train and as quick as Layla was knocked out she got up faster then you could spell fairy tail "OMG!! Sweet sweet land!!" We all laughed and started walking to the governor's house. "Hello I assume you are from fairy tail " we all stood there with the game faces on " wait how did you know" from the corner of my eyes I could see rosemary facepalm, and out of nowhere, I smile. "You blue-haired boy why you smiling?! My people are dying and getting robbed what's so good about that?!" I snapped back to reality but before I could say anything "I'm sorry sir that's my twin brother Rin and I'm Sylvia Fullbuster" I felt bad for my sister having to apologize for me. "Sorry I'm a bit stressed" Layla goes up to the governor and whispers something making all of us wonder what she had said. We waited in a hotel room in-till it hit 12:00 "you guys what's the plane ?" Nash asked getting a hold of his sword "how about we split up? And as we see a sign of someone we can shoot up a single?" I nodded as yes.

We all agreed that we good shoot up some sort of flashing signal with the flashlights that the governor had provided for us. We walked our separate ways and as night fell upon us, this game was about to begin "woosh" I suddenly Hurd coming from a roof, I had to think quickly I can't shoot up a sign knowing that the bandent will see me and I can blow my cover. I hopped up on a latter and got up off on a roof I slowly walk and fallow him into a house before he sliced the mans throat I quickly held him in an arm hold grabbing his knife "I got you" I say "HAHAHA " he starts laughing like a psycho "y-you hahaha you think that's what it takes to take me down haha so pathetic," pushing me out of a window I could feel the air just circling around my body "your dead" as I tried to get a hold of my self I heard "NO YOUR DEAD" and out of nowhere there she was Rosemary "don't be a coward!!" I looked at her like 'go after him!' But she sat there. "Don't worry Layla is on the other side of the two buildings he's heading to, and Nash can hold him up if Layla loses it, meanwhile you need to lay here for a bit" I tried to get up "ouch!" Pain rushed throughout my entire body "he cut you but not just any type of cut, hehe-" she looked down and examined it "we need to get you to Mrs. Porlyusica your". I looked at her with a face she even knew what it meant "are you sure you are worried about me or-" but I was cut off by a big explosion 💥 "there go Layla and Nash destroyers of towns" we both laugh.

We pick up the reward "thank you so so much" roes eyes sparkled like two stars ✨. I was shoved on the train and we were off to magnolia "you need to rest the cut is savvier than you think " I smiled "aww are you worried about me" she gave me a 'stop' look but I could see a bit a pick color her cheeks. We finally got to the guild and as I was laying In the guild's infirmary, mom comes in all panicked. "Rin Fullbuster, why do you have to my mom worry like that mom is very worried".

-outside -

"Gray, juvia you must go to my treehouse located in the East Forest outside Magnolia Town. Bring me a red and white bag, you will have three days before the poison covers all of Rin's body causing a slow and painful death."

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