Chapter 22

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Narrator pov*

It was exactly 6:30 in the morning when team Fairy tail woke up and headed for the arena and as they are walking through what seems a tunnel that is none stop going they all here "AND ON THE RIGHT WE HAVE LAMIA SCALE !!" A specific mage was certainly scared for hearing a specific guild's name. It was finally their turn and Layla looks back at her friends "We got this.. who's with me!!" They all smiled at her bright statement. "And last but not least three year champions!! FAIRY TAIL!!" ( I know in the anime it was just that one time but I'm just basing it off the years before the kids grew up.) the crowd cheered filling the arena with the noise they walked to their parts of the arena leaving Layla with former SaberTooth member Yukino.

"For today's match We have Layla Dragneel and Yukino Agria, you guys have 10 min to take down your opponent !!" Layla had a rush of adrenaline go through her body making her say out loud "bring it I don't care how old anyone is! Once I'm fired Up you can't stop me!". Yukino smirked but kinda still nervous like always "huh you sound just like your dad" that when the sound of a Kong filled everyone's ears "start".

"FIER DRAGON Roar!!" Layla yelled making Yukino fly across the whole arena, and before she can get up Layla jumped up and yelled "FIER DRAGON TALENT" but to Layla's surprise, Yukino moved to get a hold of her ankle. "It looks like Yukino is about to summon one of her keys!" And as told she did.

"OPEN GATE OF THE Heavenly scales!! Libra" it did some damage but...

"Good thing I have my brother who likes you and mom are key weirdos..."

"What?! Libra go!!"

"Fire dragon secret art!! crimson lotus exploding flame!!!"

And with that there was only but a shrike in the arena "and that is five points for FAIRY TAIL" all Layla could feel as she walked to her parents was the stares of everyone. As she received a hug from her dad and team "very well young Layla" she looked surprised "master mavis t-thank you" everyone smiled as how shy she got.

"WE ARE GOING TO WIN THIS!!" Nash excitingly blurted our "don't get too cocky Nash remember our past, our parents had to climb to the top again and had to learn and so will we " master mavis smiled "very correct Emma always keep your eyes open and your minds at ease.

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