Part 14

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Once we landed I got up and Payton carried adaley
We got our bags and when we walked out we saw Joanne waiting for us she ran up to me and hugged me I hugged her back. Then she hugged Payton
P- she's sleeping
M- yup
J- oh that's ok
We got in the car and drove back to his house when we got out adaley slept until the guest bed room and me and Payton went to his room to sleep.
P- hey baby
M- hi
He tried to hug me but I didn't hug back
P- did I do something
M- no not u it's just adaley likes u so much better then me she always gets mad at me and thinks I'm the mean one
I broke down crying
P- aww baby it's ok she just met me so I haven't gotten mad at her
He hugged me and I still was crying and then Joanna came in
J- aww what's wrong
I wiped my tears
M- oh nothing I'm fine
Then I saw adaley come in
A- it's ok she's just a mean mommy anyways
J- hey adaley don't say that
A- she is tho she was gonna put me in time out
P- adaley u were not being nice and u weren't listening
A- see now ur like mommy to mean
She stormed off
M- see that's how I feel
J- hey it's ok kids are mean sometimes
I hugged her
M- thanks
J- aww no problem
We got up and went to help make dinner
Once we do I went and got adaley
M- k time to eat
A- no
M- yes
A- no
M- fine go without then I'm not dealing with u rn
I walked back down stairs to the table
J- where is she
M- she wouldn't come so
P- oh does she hate me now
M- no probably just me
J- baby ur are great mom don't listen to her
M- thanks
Me and Payton went upstairs and watched some movies and then fell asleep.

Next day

I woke up and went downstairs
M- hey
J- hi how did u sleep
M- goo-
I felt sick so I sprinted to the bathroom and threw up
I got up flushed and then brushed my teeth
J- hey are u ok
M- ya idk mabye I got a bug or something
A- morning Grammy
J- morning sweetheart
M- morning baby
She just ignored me
J- adaley day good morning
A- no
M- ughh whatever
I then felt a tear drip down my cheek
P- hey baby what's wrong
M-  nothing I just don't feel well
P- aww let's make u something to eat
M- I want banana bread
P- um ok I thought u didn't like that
M- um I do now

Payton's POV

I got in the car to go get her some banana bread
I called nessa
P- hey nessa um Madison wants banana bread where would she like if from
N- she hates banana bread
J- no remember when she was pregnant that's all she ate
N- oh um
P- what do u mean
J- well she she was pregnant with adaley she would only eat banana bread but when she gave birth to her she didn't like it after that was like her craving
N- wait does that mean she s pregnant
P- honestly I could believe it she's been really emotional and sick lately but I just thought mabye she got sick or was on her thing
N- um idk but just get her what she wants
P- ok
J- and don't say no to her
P- k thanks
I got off call and got her banana bread
When I got back I opened the door and my mom pulled me into a room
J- um is Madison ok
P- ya I think
J- she just seems upset and sad
P- idk I'll talk to her I think the whole adaley thing is really getting to her
J- ok just tell her I'm here
I walked out to her
P- here baby
M- thanks
She ate it and went to get dressed
When she came back down she looked as if she had been crying and she was wearing sweatpants but it was so hot outside
P- baby are u ok
M- ya I'm fine
A- daddy I want to swim
P- k go get ur bathing suit on and we can go in the pool
She ran up the stairs
I hugged Madison and went to get my bathing suit on when I came down she was still in her clothes
Adaley then jumped into the pool and I went in after
P- baby come in
M- no thanks
A- mommy plzzzz
M- no u guys swim
P- baby aren't u hot tho didn't u bring shorts
I then saw her tear up and run inside

Joannes pov
Payton and adaley where in the pool when I saw Madison run in crying and she went to Payton's room
J- hey what happened
P- idk I just asked if she wanted to come in and asked if she brought shorts cus it's hot
J- I'll go see what's wrong
I walked up the stairs and went in their room and saw her sitting on his bed crying
J- aww what's wrong
M- oh um nothing
J- no what's wrong I hugged her
M- I don't fit into any of my clothes
J- what do u mean
M- I don't fit there to small I'm fat
J- no ur not didn't u just pack those
M- ya I bought those shorts last week
P- hey guys what's wrong
J- I'll leave u to
I got up and left

Madison's pov
He came and hugged me
M- IM fat
P- what ur crazy
M- not I don't fit into my pants
P- aww baby did u um ever wonder if mabye ur pregnant again
M- um no
Here I got u a test at the store go take it
I went and took the test and then waited 5 minute I came back out and we both flipped it over and it said

Payton's face grew
P- omg yay Another kid
M- I just sat there
P- babe aren't u happy
M- um I am but I just don't really know what to think like look how hard adaleys been in the past two days imagine if we had a baby to
P- baby u will be fine but let's go tell my mom
M- um ok
Went went downstairs and we went into the kitchen
P- um we have to tell u something
J- ok
M- umm I'm pregnant again
J- really
P- yes and I'm the dad
J- ahhhh yay Come on let's go tell her
A- hi
P- um so u know how u wanted to be a big sister
A- ya
P- well u are going to be
A- how
M- well u see my tummy right
A- ya
She then poked it
A- it's big
M- ya that's bc there is a baby in there
A- really
P- yup
She started jumping around.

Me and my two baby'sWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu