Part 35

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We then went and drove home
When we walked through the door we heard adaley crying she then ran up to me and hugged me
M- baby what's wrong
A- I want my mommy
M- baby mommy's right here
I picked her up and carried her to the living room where Joanne was holding Annie she still had teddy
J- good ur back she wouldn't stop crying for u Also Annie's hungry
M- ok adaley go to dad
I tried passing her to him but she wouldn't let go
A- no
M- adaley let go I have to feed Annie
A- no mommy
M- Payton
He pulled her off of me and she started to cry for me
A- no mommy
I grabbed Annie and started feeding her
When she was done adaley ran back up to me and hugged my leg
M- hey what's up with u ur normally a daddy's girl
A- no I want mommy
M- ok well mommy has to make dinner so got to daddy or grandma
A- no I want mommy
I looked up at Payton and he looked kinda sad adaleys like his mining me
M- ok well I'm gonna make chicken salad and some chicken fingers for u
I picked her up and set her on the counter but she wouldn't let go of me
M- baby u have to let go
A- no mommy
I just carried her around the kitchen while making it
M- k guys dinners ready
Payton came in holding Annie and she still had teddy
M- ok go sit in ur chair
A- no I want mommy
M- baby please mommy needs to eat
A- no
M- ughh Payton she won't let go
P- baby mommy needs to eat u have to let go
A- no
She started to cry
M- ok u can sit on my lap
She ate some of her chicken fingers and me Payton and Joanne were just talking while eating
J- why is she being like this
M- idk B.C. all this morning it was about Payton then she saw Annie playing with teddy witch she still has
P- baby how will we get her to bed
M- idk but she will have to somehow
A- mommy potty
I essentially done my food and Joanne was
J- hey why don't I take u so mommy can eat
A- noooo I want mommy
J- baby it's only a minute
A- no mommy
She started to cry again
M- k let's go
I got up and went to the bathroom with her and held her dress
M- ok wipe
A- mommy does it
M- no mommy doesn't I k ow u can do it ur self ur a big girl now
She wiped and pulled up her underwear and washed her hands
M- k out
I was starting to get annoyed not that I don't love her but she won't let me eat or anything
M- ok mommy's got to go potty so let go
A- noooo
M- Joanne do u mind taking her
J- no I love her come on let's go make cookies
A- noooooo mommy
I grabbed Payton's hand and he came with me
I hugged him when we got in there
M- baby she won't even let me eat
P- baby maybe this will only last for like a day
M- maybe
I walked back out and adalet was still crying
A- mommy
I walked over to her and picked her up
M- what's wrong
A- I want my mommy
M- mommy's here
She just kept hugging me
We sat and watched the movie and Annie started to crawl on us and sat on Payton and put her hands in his hair
M- his hair is soft isn't it baby
An- dada
M- yes that's dada
She then crawled on me and grabbed my shirt and tried lifting it
M- ok ur hungry
An- mama
A- Annie move
M- hey no stop she is hungry
I pulled my shirt and started feeding her
A- no that's my mommy
She pushed her
M- hey stop Payton garb her
A- no
He grabbed her and made her. Sit in his lap
A- no mommy
She started to cry again Annie finished eating and I burped her and then changed her dipper Staley was still crying
A- I want mommy
P- mommy will be back
I sat back down and adaley crawled back on me
An- dada dada
P- yes baby
An- dada
She was clapping and laughing
We watched a movie and scaled and Annie both fell asleep we brought the to bed and me and Payton went to our room
M- finally I'm free
P- ok baby
He hugged me and we fell asleep cuddling

Me and my two baby'sWhere stories live. Discover now