Part 36

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A- mommyyyyyyyyy
We heard adaley crying I looked to the clock and it was 3:04
I got up and went to her room
A- mommy
M- yes baby I'm here what's wrong
A- I want mommy
M- ok I'm here now go to sleep
A- no I want to sleep with u
M- k
I picked her up and brought her to our room and she slept with me and Payton
I woke up in the morning and Payton wasn't there
When I got up I saw him in the kitchen with Joanne
M- hey where were u
P- oh I went and got something
M- what did u get
P- this
Payton showed me his shoulder and there was a tattoo of the letters M+A+A inside a heart
M- omg bubbs I love it
P- it's for u Annie and adaley
J- aww
M- now I want one
P- k let's go
M- omg actually
P- ya
J- I can watch them
M- thank uuuuu
We went and me and him got this

A- mommyyyyyyyyy We heard adaley crying I looked to the clock and it was 3:04 I got up and went to her room A- mommy M- yes baby I'm here what's wrong A- I want mommy M- ok I'm here now go to sleep A- no I want to sleep with u M- k I picked her up...

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I got the queen one and he got king we got them on our wrist
J- omg that's so cute
A- daddy
She ran and hugged him
M- ok I guess it was just a day faze
I just laughed
An- mama
M- hey baby
I picked her up and she giggled
P- hey is it ok if josh and nessa come over they haven't been with anyone else we will be safe
M- ya sure

Let's say nessas 9 months pregnant

N- heyyy
M- heyyyyy
I hugged her
A- nessaaaaaa
N- hey baby
She picked up adaley and hugged her
M- omg when are u due
N- anytime now but we had to get a midwife bc we can't go to the hospital bc of this
M- ouch that will hurt
We just talked and the kids watched a movie Annie was crawling on us nessa went to go to the bathroom when we heard a brake
M- omg u water broke
N- omg josh what do we do
She then got a contraction
J- it's fine ok we can have the baby here right
M- ya up to them
Josh- yesssss
P- where
M- bathtub
We put her in the empty tub with towels and she started to get more contractions
M- ok so by the interest ur 10cm dialated to time to push
She started pushing and pushing and then I saw the baby's head and heard cry's
I got the baby and warped HIM in a towel
M- omg it's a boyyyy
Jo- yesss I wanted a boy
M- Joanne can u check on Annie
J- ya
P- omg he's so cute
M- not yet Payton
P- ughh I want one more
M- wait
I washed the baby off and put in a onesie we cleaned nessa up and put her in the guest bedroom
M- omg can I hold him
Jo- ya
M- aww he's so cute what's his name
N- Zach Leo Richards
A- mommy what's that
M- that's a baby want to say hi
A- ya
I set her on the bed and Zach looked at her and smiled and grabbed her fingers
A- mommy he likes me
N- he sure does
M- aww baby I'm so proud of u
I hugged nessa
The Annie crawled in the room with Joanne running behind her
J- I'm sorry she crawled off
M- it's fine mabye she wants to meet her future husband
P- what no she's not aloud to date neather are u missy
He pointed at adaley and she giggled
A- daddy boys are gross
P- good
An- and went to grab his hand
M- Annie give the baby kisses
She kissed his hand
P- hey missy
An- dada
A- what's my name
M- Annie say sissy
An- sissy
M- ok well I let u sleep nessa
N- ok thanks
M- np

me and Payton walked out and I turned on the tv for the girls to watch I was cleaning the kitchen and payton was just watching me

m- hey mister u gonna just sit and watch or help
p- well i like to watch my hot wife 

m-nope it dosent work that way so come help me 

p-fine only bc i love u so much 

he kissed my cheek and started to do the dishes while i washed off the counter and table 

j- wow u got payton to clean 

m- ikr 

p- hey im right here

j-we know 

he then made a pouty face 

m- aww baby we love u dont worry 

i then kissed him and he smiled 

m-aww its mr happy baby now

p- ya  

we then put the girls in the bath 

an- mama 

she was about 8 months now so shes getting bigger

a- daddy 

p- ya baby 

he walked into the bathroom 

p- what do u need pumkin 

a- can i have a juice box 

p- ya 

he walked into the kitchen and got her one he went in and gave it yo her it was really cute when he is in dad mode and hot to i cuddled up to him on the couch the bathroom door was open so we could see if they where ok it had been about five minutes so we went in and washed them then they got out and we put on there pjs we feed annie and changed her dipper and she went to bed adaley was watching a movie with us she then started to yawn so we put her to bed we were just sitting on the couch with joanne now 

Me and my two baby'sWhere stories live. Discover now