Part 34

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Ik I told u guys I would post tonight but so many people wanted me to post so ya

Payton's POV

P- I feel horrible
J- why did u do it
P- I thought that one was getting old so I got her a new one And it's just a teddy
J- it was adaley first teddy the one her mom gave to her first child when she was alone that was something her mom thought that if she gave it to her she would always be there
P- oh
J- ya And I get ur her dad and ur my son but she really feels replaced she had to do it on her own for about three years and then somebody goes and replaces all the hard work she put into doing by her self
P- I feel so bad
J- go talk to her she is ur wife

Madison's pov

I was still cleaning up the play room when I felt two arms wrap around my waist And someone kissing my neck softly I new it was Payton
P- baby
M- ...
P- baby please let me say I'm really sorry
M- why
P- I didn't know u felt that way and I didn't know that that teddy meant so much to u if I knew I wouldn't have gotten her another one
M- it's just I put everything in my life on hold for her mad did everything I could to make her know I tried and u can just come in and she loves u it's not fare and I thought mabye Annie would like me but she doesn't even know how to say mommy but she knows how to say daddy
P- I'm really sorry princess I love u and so do they u know that adaley just needs a dad in her life and that's what I am and Annie well she's just a baby
M- I'm sorry I'm overwhelmed and upset and now I don't feel well and mad and sad and I don't know why
P- is it mabye ur period
M- no I haven't gotten it yet
P- why don't u go to the bathroom and check
M- ok I guess

Payton's POV

She then lached onto me  and wouldn't let go I then brought her to our bathroom and went back downstairs When I walked down I saw Annie in her play pen hugging teddy
J- why don't u talk to her about passing teddy down to Annie she really seems to like it
P- ya I will
J- so is she good
P- she's really overwhelmed with the whole adaley thing and now Annie not eating from a bottle idk she's frustrated and I think it makes it worse that it's that time I think I told her to go check
M- paytonnnn
P- well she's calling me so
I walked upstairs and saw her standing in the bathroom crying
P- aww baby what's wrong
M- it's here and I don't have anything I ran out and forgot to get more and lots of stuff is closed
P- aww babes it's fine ok we can just go to the gas station and try to find some ok
M- ok I guess
P- wanna ask my mom if she has anything for. Now
M- ya
She just hugged me and wouldn't let go
P- baby come on
We walked downstairs and she was still lached onto me
J- hey hunny are u ok
M- no
I saw she started to tear up
P- hey hey ur fine ok
I wiped her tears.
M- do u have anything I can use for like me period I was stupid and ran out and didn't get anymore
J- aww is that why ur crying of course u can bunny
She went and gave her a hug and walked upstairs with her
A- daddy Annie's being mean
P- how babes
I picked her up and set her on my lap
A- she's taking teddy
P- no she's just playing with teddy
A- but teddys mine
P- u can share
A- nooo daddy I don't want to share
P- why don't we see if Annie will play with the other teddy
I tried handing her the other one but she just screamed
A- Stopppppp
I tried giving it to her again but she just started screaming and crying like crazy
M- hey what's going on here
A- she took teddy
M- she's just playing with it why is Annie screaming aww bubs
I picked her up and tried to clam her down but she wouldn't I picked up teddy and gave her it and she stopped crying
M- aww she likes it
A- no mommy that's mine
She pulled it from Annie's hands and Annie started crying
P- hey don't be mean
A- but daddy that's mine
M- well i found it under a pile of toys so u must not want it that bad but she does
She then started to cry and stormed off to her room
M- ughhh
I picked up the teddy and handed it to Annie
And she stopped crying
P- now she has stopped crying now we have to go see out other crying daughter
I put her in her play pen and Joanne was watching her we went to her room but adaley wasn't there we then looked around and when we got to our room she was cuddled up to my pillow hugging it while crying
P- baby what's wrong
A- everyone keeps giving Annie my stuff
M- baby we let her play with it B.C. she wanted it u got a new one and threw it away that's not how things work I had u but when we had Annie we didn't throw u away B.C. u are getting older
A- but I wanted teddy
M- ok well u. An have teddy but can Annie have another one
A- no
M- adaley
A- no I don't want to give her my toys
P- hey be nice
M- fine I'll give her the teddy Payton got me for Valentine's Day
A- no I want it
M- ok what's wrong now
A- I want it
P- baby why don't u share
A- no I don't want to share mommy
She then hugged my waist
M- baby u have to
A- no
P- but then I can't have mommy
A- no
I then looked at the clock and it said 4 10
M- Payton we have to go to the store now it closes at 5
P- k
M- baby let go
A- no
P- adaley u have to let go
A- no
P- mom
J- ya
M- we have to go to the store can u take adaley
A- noooo
Joanne pulled her off of me and she started crying and screaming
A- no I want mommy I wAnt mommy
P- we will be back soon
A- nooo mommyyyyyy
We quickly walked out of the door
We drove to the store and got some stuff

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