Part 15

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When she started jumping around I was just watching her she is my baby I think she is still mad at me tho but idrc. I looked over at Payton and he was smiling he was so happy. I am excited for another baby but I am nurves and my hormones aren't making it better I honestly could burst into tears right now but I don't want to make them sad.
A- can we name her Annie
M- we don't know if it's a girl
A- but I want a girl
P- baby it dosent work that way u don't get to pick
A- no I don't want an ugly boy
She got up and stomped into her room.
M- ughhh not her again what am I doing wrong
I started to cry
P- aww bubs nothing she just is acting up
He hugged me
M- Joanne I'm really sorry I keep crying I promise I'm not usually like this am I
P- no ur not ur just pregnant and having a hard time
J- aww no need to be sorry I've been there when I was pregnant with him I could have cried all day and night and honestly I was going through the same thing with faith
M- but what if it is a boy
J- then she will just have to get used to it
P- yes babe
M- aww thanks guys I hugged them both
J- should I go talk to her
P- ya

Joannes pov
I went into her room and she was crying on the bed
J- aww baby what's wrong
I picked her up and sat her on my lap
A- I don't want a boy
J- but they will both be fun u can still dress up a boy like a princess or do his makeup
A- but it's not the same
J- but why not
A- idk
J- I think there is something ur not telling me and does it have anything to do with the fact ur giving ur mommy a hard time
A- no she looked down
J- I think it does what is it hun
A- mommy doesn't like me anymore
J- aww of course she does
A- no she just loves daddy
J- ohh I see what's happening Are u missing her
She shook her head yes
J- well u know how it used to be just u and mommy right so now ur daddy's there and she has to split her attention between the two of u
A- but mommy used to sleep with me why can't daddy sleep on the couch
J- well ur mommy and daddy like sleeping together and ur mommy loves sleeping with u to so how about u sleep with both of them
A- ok
J- come on let's go see ur mommy
We walked out and saw Madison and Payton cuddling on the couch
Adaley saw them and started crying
A- mommy's suppose to cuddle me
They looked over and saw her crying Madison got up and walked over to her and hugged her
M- baby what's wrong
A- U don't love me anymore
M- yes I do what are u talking about
A- no u only love daddy
She looked over at Payton
M- no I love u both the same but just in a different way
A- but u only supposed to cuddle with me and sleep with me
M- but I love him to and he needs someone to cuddle him
A- but ur forgetting about me
M- no do u want to cuddle with us
She nodded yes
She went and cuddled with them

Payton's POV
I feel bad adaley thinks I'm taking her mom she then came and cuddled with us
J- so um tonight adaley wants to sleep with u to is that ok
P- of course it is
J- hey pay can I talk to u in the kitchen
P- ya I got up and walked with her
J- tomorrow I want to plan a mommy daughter day for them
P- ya I feel bad
J- no hun don't all kids do that sometimes they just need there mom and when ur new baby gets here if it a boy he will need his dad to
P- ok
J- now go cuddle with ur new family
I just smiled and walked back in to see Madison playing with adaley
A- no mommy that's cheating
M- what
A- bad mommy
Madison then made this cute pouty face
I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek
P- what did ur mommy do
A- she's not playing fair
M- I am
P- I don't think so
She just glared at me
P- I guess adaley itsssss tickle time
Me and Madison started to tickle her and she was laughing like crazy.
A- no stop stop
She said in between laughs
P- guess what time it is
A- what
P- bed time
I picked her up like a rocket and ran to the stairs
P- say goodnight to grandma
A- goodnight gram grams
J- night sweetie night Madison
M- night I'll see u in the morning
We went up to our room and jumped on to the bed
She was still laughing

Madison's pov
M- ok u to settle down it's bed time
A- ok
I went and gave her a kiss
M- I'm getting a bath so I'll be in bed later ok goodnight princess
Then I whispered into Payton's ear
M- meet me in the bathroom
P- k
I went in and ran the bath and started to strip down
Then he came in and wrapped his arms around my waist
M- babes can u get a bath with me
P- of course
He went and locked the door as I got in
He then stripped down and got in with me and I cuddled with him
M- babe tomorrow we should talk to adaley about how the whole baby thing is gonna go
P- what do u mean
M- like we will have to spend a lot of time with the baby
P- ok, I still can't believe I put a baby in your tummy
M- ik
We then got out and went to bed and fell asleep cuddling

Hey guys so ik that I don't write at the bottom but I just really wanted to say thanks for all of the votes and reads. But I want to know if u want me to start posting more bc I have a few in my drafts so just let me know in the comments.

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