Part 26

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I looked at the monitor bc it is one that has a camera so I can see them
M- she's fine
N- what she's crying
M- no her souther just fell out of her mouth and she just had to find it again
J- does that happen a lot
P- ya
M- baby I'm tired
P- me to we are gonna go to bed I guys can help yourself to anything
N- k goodnight
M- night I put some pjs in the guest room for u guys
J- thanks
P- night
We then walked into our room
M- omg I'm tired
P- so am I but first I want kisses
I kissed him for a bit then we went and brushed our teeth.
We laid down in bed and cuddled then fell asleep.

I woke up cuddled into Payton's chest I looked at the clock and it was 7 30 omg Annie slept through the night. Payton then woke up.
P- good morning love
M- morning guess what
P- what
M- Annie slept through the whole night
P- yes finally
I leaned down and kissed him he pulled me on top of him and deepened the kiss I then pulled away
P- aww
M- tonight we can do something naughty
P- good it's been like a week
M- aww u poor thing
I giggled and he smirked
P- yes I have blue balls
M- aww well tonight I will make them happy
We got up out of bed and walked downstairs to make breakfast everyone was still asleep
Payton then made us coffee and we sat at the island
P- are u gonna start birth control soon
M- ya I'm gonna go in for the appointment today want to come
P- ya we can get nessa and josh to babysit and we need more condoms we are almost out just in case
I then started to make bacon eggs and pancakes
Then adaley waddles down the stairs
P- hey babes
A- hi
She said in a sleepy voice
A- mommy can we make cupcakes today
M- ya me and daddy have to go get baby stoppers then we can make them
A- daddy what's a baby stopper
P- well it makes it so ur mommy can't have a baby
A- but I want another sister
M- well not forever but no u are not getting one just yet
A- ok
Then Annie started to cry
Payton went and got her and brought her back downstairs he was holding her
M- should I Breastfeed her or make her a bottle
P- breastfeed u don't have a bottle Made yet
M- ok can u finish breakfast
P- ya
I sat down and started to breast feeding her
Payton didn't care he really liked it bc he got to see my boob and josh and nessa where still asleep
A- mommy why is Annie doing that
M- she's eating
A- she's eating u
P- no she's just drinking see mommy's body rn is making baby milk and that's we're it comes from
A- that's where milk is from what about moo moos
That's what she calls cows
M- no this is a special type of milk only for baby's
A- ok so still moo moos
M- yes still moo moos
She then finished drinking and I put her in her play pen
Then I went to Payton and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the back of his neck softly
P- hi baby
M- hi my love
Then josh and nessa came downstairs
P- hey can I guys babysit today
N- ya sure where are u guys going
P- we gotta go get baby stoppers
J- ohhh he then smirked
M-K well I'm gonna go get dressed and shower then we can go
I went upstairs and got ready Payton got dressed when I was in the shower
N- ok so what do we do
P- k so at like 3 give her a bottle there's one in the fridge heat it up in the microwave the put her down for a nap and adaley well she just ate so just play with her
M- oh and try to get her not to nap bc then she will sleep all night tonight
J- sounds easy
I looked at Payton
P- ya lets just say that for now
N/j- what
M- well bye
We then walked out the door
We were is the car when he put his hand on my thigh and I blushed I have a kid with him but still blush when he does stuff like that
P- I can't wait for tonight
M- why
P- bc I get to fuck u harddddd
I playfully slapped his arm
M- Payton
P- what there's no kids here
M- ya but there will be tonight
P- well ur just gonna have to be quite princess
I rolled my eyes and laughed
We then got to the doctor and waited in the waiting room until this lady called my name and me and Payton both got up to go in

Me and my two baby'sWhere stories live. Discover now