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Bandit was woken up to the sound of his alarm going off. 'Why must I wake up this early?' He thought. Bandit lifted himself out of bed, walked over to his dresser and took some clothes out. He slipped some pants over his boxers and used a belt to make sure they didn't fall down. Bandit then took a nice white t-shirt and slipped it on over his head, grunting as he was looking for the right hole to stick his head through. Once he finished getting his shirt on, he took his black sweatshirt with yellow stripes on the arms and slipped it on as well. Bandit then walked out of his bedroom and into the GSG9 lounge room. He found some snacks on the table and started to eat some, he wasn't a breakfast kind of guy. 'How was no one here yet?' He thought. Bandit took a seat on the couch and waited for his fellow teammates to finally come out of there rooms. Finally, he heard someone's door open and close. Bandit glanced over and saw it was his best friend, Jager.

Jager smiled as he saw his best friend in the room, he waved. "Hallo Dominic!" He said in a joyful voice. Bandit stood up, "Why so happy Marius?" Bandit smiled back at Jager. Jager laughed at the comment, "Why wouldn't I be happy seeing my best friend?" Jager laughed again and started turning a little pink. Bandit's eyes widened. "Ah, yes. Indeed." Bandit shook the back of his head, still smiling at Jager. Jager glanced down at the floor and laughed. "Nice shoes, Dom." He smiled and walked over to the GSG9 kitchen. Bandit looked down, and noticed he forgot to put some shoes on. He felt embarrassed, he ran back to his room and grabbed his black Adidas and slipped them on. 'How did I forget my shoes?' Bandit walked back out and saw that everyone else was there, he gave a slight wave, and looked back at Jager who was sitting down on the couch. "Hey there Dominic!" IQ says happily. Bandit walks over to the lounge and sits next to Jager. "So.. do you know what the announcement is for today?" Bandit asked looking at Jager. Jager shrugged, then smiled at him. That smile always got to Bandit, he loved whenever Jager was happy, smiling. Bandit finally smiled back and looked over at Blitz. "Do you know?" Bandit sighed. "Not likely anything important. They would've woken us up a lot earlier." Blitz took a sip of his coffee. "I think SIX is just going to introduce us to some new operators." IQ exclaimed. "Nah, we would've known before hand." Blitz says taking yet another sip of coffee. Bandit laughed, "Elias is right." Bandit looked back at Jager, who was usually quiet when they were all together. Jager kept his eyes at the floor, probably thinking about something off topic. Bandit finally stopped staring at Jager and turned on some television. "Who was watching Sponge Bob on the TV?" Blitz laughed. Obviously everyone knew who it was, Jager loved any type of cartoon. Bandit smiled and continued to watch Sponge Bob that was playing on the television.

A few minutes later, the speakers came on to a familiar voice. "All operators, please make your way down to the meeting room." The GSG9 all stood up and walked out the door, Jager was the last out of the room so he turned off all the lights and they all made there way to the meeting room.

All the operators sat down in there spots, each chair had everyone's code name on it. Bandit found his which was right next to IQ and Jager. He sat down, and so did his teammates. The meeting room was small, only because there was about 20 operators at the time. Jager glanced around the room, looking at the little details. There was nothing special about the room, except that there was cameras everywhere. Finally, someone came up in front of the room. Of course, it was SIX herself. SIX was dressed up in a nice blue suit ready to get to business. "Hello operators, it is nice to see all of your faces once again. As you all know, RAINBOW is one of the best terrorist organization groups across the globe, and as you know as time passes, there are more rules." Bandit finally started paying attention to SIX who was speaking, instead of the floor. "This month we are welcoming two new operators, Valkyrie and Blackbeard. Along with a few new rules for your safety. Number one, from now on any relationships between partners, teammates, or crew members will be forbidden." Bandits stomach turned inside out, he thought he was going to vomit in the middle of the announcement. He crossed his arms and leaned over them, trying not to puke. He has no idea why he felt like this all of a sudden, was it the announcement SIX just made? Bandit suddenly felt a little light headed. "You okay Dom?" Jager whispered. Bandit leaned his head on Jagers shoulder, trying not to puke. Jager jolted, but then relaxed letting Bandit lean against him. Bandit didn't listen, or pay attention to anything around him. 'Why do I feel like this?'

After the announcements, everyone finally started leaving. Bandit's head was still on Jager, he still felt like he was going to throw up. "Hey, is Dominic okay?" IQ asked. "I don't know, he doesn't look so good." Jager frowned. "Dominic, lets go back to the rooms, okay?" Jager lifted his chin up. Bandit looked at him with sad eyes. "Okay." They all stood up and walked back to the GSG9 lounge.

Once they arrived back, Bandit fell over on the couch. He held his stomach, he felt like shit. Jager brought some water and aspirin over to the couch, "Sit up Dominic." He asked. Bandit sat up still grabbing his stomach. "I'll pour some water in your mouth, okay? And I'll give you some aspirin to make the pain go away." Jager smiled at him. That smile. Bandit nodded and opened his mouth in an 'o' shape. Jager poured some water down his throat, and gave him some aspirin. "You can lay back down now, I'll stay with you." Jager whispered into Bandit's ear. Bandit smiled for a second, then laid back on the couch. Jager walked over to an open chair and watched Bandit. "Tell me if you need anything, okay?" Jager smiled. Bandit smiled back, and nodded. Bandit closes his eyes, and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

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