Missions and Injuries

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Bandit was running around all over the room making sure everything was in place, reinforced, and electrified. After he checked, he made his way behind some cover. Bandit jumped over a counter and crouched, leaning on it. He looked to his left and saw Jager also leaning against the counter. Jager looked at him, he was wearing his brand new helmet. 'It looks so nice.' Bandit thought to himself. Bandit smiles through his ski mask, and looked over the counter making sure their was not terrorists, and sat down. "I made sure the whole objective was reinforced. I also set my batteries down, now we just have to wait for them to enter. The three others are roaming, so we have to keep the objective under control. Just you and me." Bandit leaned in closer to Jager. "That's great, Dom. Good job." Jager said in a high voice. "Ja, you're so cute." Bandit smirked. Jager turned red, and looked the other way. "You too Dom." Jager said nervously.

After several bodies fell to the floor, Bandit and Jager cleared the whole objective full of terrorists in less then 30 seconds. "I think that's almost all of them, I checked the cameras and I saw some in basement, we should go clear that." Bandit said in a stern tone. Jager nodded, "Why don't the roamers do that?" Jager asked. Bandit chuckled, "I suppose your right, cutie. But it would be fun." Bandit looked at Jager who was looking at the ground thinking. "I guess it would, but what about the objective?" Jager questioned. Bandit points his finger at the Black Eye cameras, and the C4 that he placed over the door. "I think we're pretty locked from afar." Bandit smiled through his mask. They both stood up and made their way to the basement.

More and more gunshots went off, bodies falling to the floor. "Only a few more." Bandit yelled to Jager. The last few terrorists all came in a huge group, Bandit shot three of the five and then his magazine was empty. "I need to reload!" Bandit found some cover and reloaded his gun. Another body fell to the ground, but it wasn't a terrorist. There was a loud yell that came out of Jagers mouth. Bandit turned and shot the last two and panicked trying to find where Jager was. Bandit finally found Jager on the ground, he was bleeding out through his thigh. "I couldn't see anything, I was flashe-" Jager moans in pain. Bandit kneels on his knee and pulls out some bandages. "It's ok, you're gonna be fine I promise." Bandit pulled Jager so he was leaning on a wall, he saw the wound and started wrapping the bandage around him. Jager kept screaming and moaning in pain. Once Bandit was done, he stood up. "Can you stand up?" He asked Jager. Jager put his hands on the ground and used his left leg to try to stand. He was leaning on the wall for support, "I'll help you." Bandit walked right next to him and pulled Jagers arm around his neck and on his shoulders. "Just hold on, and don't put pressure on your right leg." Bandit and Jager start walking back upstairs, Jager was holding onto Bandit for dear life, while grunting in pain.

Once they were back on the objective, Bandit set Jager down behind some cover. "We'll be out soon, okay?" Bandit put his hand on his shoulder. Jager nodded and grunted in pain. All the roamers came back, Valkyrie saw that Jager was on the floor. "Is Marius okay?" She kneeled next to Jager and looked at him. "Ja, I'm fine." Jager moaned in pain and grabbed his leg. "He's not fine, we need to go back." Valkyrie stood up. Bandit nodded and walked over to Jager, Bandit picked him up so that he was standing, Jager wrapped his arm around his neck and onto his shoulder for support and they started walking out. Valkyrie, Caveria, and Vigil were covering them, and making sure they didn't get attacked.

Once they were out of the building, Jager couldn't walk anymore. He fell to the ground after his arms slipped off of Bandit. Jager screamed in pain, and started to cry thinking that he couldn't reach the helicopter. "I'm sorry Dom." Jager said. Bandit lifted Jager off the ground and carried him himself. Jager was moaning and crying in pain, he needed to get help. Bandit was running to the street outside the building, where hopefully someone would be their to pick them up. Jager was very light for his size, making it easier for Bandit to hold in his arms. Once they made it to the street there was several police cars, and an ambulance.

A few hours later, Jager was in the hospital getting the bullet shrapnel out of his leg. Bandit was outside pacing back and for nervously thinking that Jager could possibly die, or get his leg amputated. All the stress was filling up in Bandit's brain, making it hard for him to stand up. Bandit fell on the floor and started crying. Jager and him have only been dating for a few days, then he gets shot? Bandit just started falling in love, could this be the end? Soon Bandit began to be pulled up off the ground, but by who? His vision became blurry and suddenly everything went black.

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