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Jager woke up to the bright lights in front of his face, he had no idea where he was, or what happened the previous day. He leaned up and instantly felt pain in his leg. Jager took a glance down and saw he had a bandage around his right thigh. 'Oh right, I got shot.' He thought to himself. He tried getting out of the hospital bed, but it was too much pain. Every move he made, hurt him.

A few minutes later, a young lady came into the room and was startled to see Jager awake. "Marius Streicher?" She said startled. Jager nodded. "That's me." Jager chuckled. The lady walked over to a chair right next to the bed, and sat in it. "We should probably sum you up on what happened yesterday, first off, you got shot. Your friend, and some other people brought you here as fast as possible. We got you into an emergency room, and thankfully the doctors got the bullet out pretty fast. They stitched you up, and made sure there's no way that the wound would open again. You will need physical therapy, because bullet punctures take a lot of time to heal, so you will be exempt from your work until further notice." She smiled at Jager. Jager looked at her with his jaw dropped, what about Bandit? "Thank you." Jager looked away and at his wound. The lady stood up and smiled, "Your friend Gustave should be in here soon to give you some meds, and check up on you." She walks out leaving it silent.

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