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Bandit and Jager made there way back to the GSG9 lounge, there wasn't as many people as before. Ash stands up and greets them. "Sorry about Pulse, he was just being obnoxious." Ash smiled as Bandit and Jager sat down right next to each other. Thermite got up and stretched, "So who's turn is it?" He took a sip out of his cup. Everyone in the lounge looked wasted. Twitch raised her cup and said, "I believe it's my turn. Bandit, truth or dare?" She took a sip. "I guess truth." Bandit smiled and looked at Jager. "You always say truth." Jager said while laughing. Bandit sighed, "Never mind then, dare!" He yelled. Jager smirked and sat closer to Bandit and whispered into his ear. "You're so hot Dominic." Jager giggled and put his hand on Bandit's thigh. Bandit was shocked and leaned up. Bandit leaned his head down and whisper back into Jagers ear, "Not now please." Bandit leaned back up. Jager sighed but continued to keep his hand on Bandit's thigh. After Twitch finally finished her cup, she turned towards Bandit. "Since you and Mr. Marius certainly have a thing going on, I want you two to kiss." Twitch smirked and everyone started to watch closely.

Bandit instantly turned red, he looked deeply into Jagers eyes. Jager smiled. "It's ok Dom, if you don't want to." Jager winked and Bandit leaned in and softly kissed his lips. The kiss lasted about seven seconds until Bandit pulled away. "Happy?" Bandit sighed and leaned back on the couch. Twitch's jaw dropped, so did everyone else's. "I didn't actually expect you to, gay boy." She laughed. Bandit rolled his eyes and looked around the room. "Truth or dare, Gustave?" Bandit said sternly. Doc was in the middle of talking to some random man. "I guess truth." He laughed. Bandit thought for a second, "Have you ever slept with someone from RAINBOW?" Bandit felt Jager squeeze his leg making him hard. Bandit didn't even hear what Doc said, he looked at Jager. "Not now Marius." Bandit whispered into Jagers ear. Bandit was trying to hide his obvious boner from everyone in the room. Jager laughed and squeezed right next to Bandit's crotch. Bandit took Jagers hand off him, he couldn't be doing this in front of everyone. Jager grabbed a blanket and laid it over the two of them. Bandit blushed as he felt Jagers hand on his crotch. Jager looked at Bandit and smirked. Bandit started to get really hot, and sweaty. "Marius please not now." Bandit begged. Jager smirked and took his hand away and focused on the game.

Once everyone left the lounge Bandit headed over to the kitchen to make himself something to eat. On the other hand, Jager was in Bandit's room waiting for him to get back to show him a surprise. Bandit was making himself some cooked vegetables and had some left over steak to heat up. Once Bandit was done eating he headed back to his room. Once he opened the door he heard the sound of Jagers voice coming from his bed. "Hey Dom." Jager said in a high voice. "Hey Marius, I was wondering where you went." Bandit laughed and walked further into the room. Once Bandit finally reached the bed he saw Jager shirtless and had his hands behind his head. Bandit stared at the sight in front of him for a few moments, "You like what you see?" Jager giggled. Bandit nodded and smiled. Bandit ripped his sweater and t-shirt off along with his jeans leaving him in boxers. Bandit went to the side of the bed, turned the lights off, and got in bed right next to Jager. I make sure to be the big spoon and snuggle closely to him. "I'd never think this would ever happen Mari." I leaned my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arm around him. "I also didn't think things would go so quickly, but I'm glad they did." Bandit kissed Jagers neck. "I've also liked you for a long time Dommy, I couldn't keep my eyes off you." Jager said breathlessly. Bandit kissed his neck again and whispered, "I love you." Into Jagers ear. "I love you too." Jager smiled and closed his eyes. "Goodnight Dommy." Jager grabbed Bandit's arm and hugged tightly. "Goodnight Mari." Bandit closed his eyes and they both drifted off to sleep.

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