Moving in !!!!!!!!

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It was the day that the squad moved into the old, but now named the jr hype house. It was all over social media about them moving into the hype house today and all of pipers squad and gavins squad had hype house merch because they posted it on their insta.

This was Tony's outfit.

Pipers pov

OMG I am moving into the jr hype house today with my squad and gavins squad I am soo exited I am posting a pic on insta with the squad and the merch. I scream at Sophie with exitment we are both happy because our boyfriends are coming witch makes it allot better obviously.

Sophies pov

Today is the day we are moving in but it is amazing cos jentzen is going I am soo happy he is going I'd ont think I would if he wasn't going. I mean me and jentzen have just became a couple and pipr is sick of me going on about it anyway she can't say very much cos that is what she did when she got with lev soo. Anyway this should be amazing hopefully we get some pisogav moments while we are there that would be amazing. I do miss gavin and his squad so it will be good to get along and get to know each other more cos obviously gavin knows me and piper like his favourite book but the rest don't really know me.

Jentzens pov

I am soo exited to moove into the hype house especially with lev and Sophie there it will be amazing. Me and Sophie can do alot more with each other now we are technically moving in with each other. Also we are moving in with gavin and his squad so I hope we can get along and get to know each other.

Levs pov

This is going to be awesome. I'm moving in a house with my best friends and my girlfriend. I think Thomas and Tony made a amazing idea. But I hope me and gavin get along because he is pipers ex but personally I think we will get along with his squad

I will be a little late posting part 2 hope you understand ❤️

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