Moving In P2

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Gavins pov

I can't wait to move in with my girlfriend it will be soo fun. All of my squad will be there it will be a amazing experience. Although I don't know what lev will think because I am pipers ex boyfriend. I hope he likes me. 😬

Cocos pov

I cannot wait to move in with gav and the squad although I will be with pipes which is good. I'm not so sure about her squad. But I have alot of friends in her squad soo it will be great.

Corinnes pov

I am moving into the hype house with my crush aiden and the squad and my besties indi and walker. Also pipers squaddddd. I am soo exited to make new friends. I am soo exited to film Tik toks and be apart of the hype house Jr.

Aidans pov

I am moving into a huge mansion with my crush Corinne and the most amazing squads ever. We haven't always been on a smooth road with pipers squad but we should be now hopefully I am soo exited.

Sarah's pov

Moving in day is finally here I am soo exited to move into this amazing house with my crush and all of the squads. We will start a new generation and be influences to the younger children out there.

Stefan pov

I am soo exited to move in with my crush but I am going to ask her to be my girlfriend which is exiting. The squads are finally combining to make one big squad which is amazing because I have been waiting for this day for years thanks to Tony and Thomas this has happened and we are all hopefully going to be best friends by the end of this which would be amazing. I cont belive it I am apart of the jr hype house. Ahhhhh!!

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