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Symone walked in with this boy randomly...

Piper: symone who is this boy.

Symone: calm down guys this is my best friend ayden.

Jentzen: yeah right you two are totally just friends.

Sophie: jentzen shush (she Stepps on his foot)

Jentzen: okay keep your hair on soph (they all laugh)

Symone: guys can we ask Tony if he can join cos I really want him too he has been my best friends for ages and has always helped me.

Gavin: symone sure if that will make you happy (he says walking out of his room with tear marks still on his eyes and piper hugged him and made sure he was OK)

Piper: gav come here can we talk in private.

Gavin: sure pipes

Pipers pov
I know when gavin is upset and he still is trust me. I need to talk to him because he is my best friend and he is not OK. I know we are talking about symone and he "best friend" I belive it is her crush but I can have gav being upset. Let me talk to him.

Gavin: what's up (as tears started filling his eyes)

Piper: gavin what is wrong you know you can tell me anything.

Gavin: nothing. why?

Gavins pov
I wasn't alright I couldn't tell piper though it is private to me and I don't know what to do about it.

Piper: gavin don't lie to me you are a terrible lier come on and tell what's wrong.

Gavin Burst into tears

Piper hugged him

Gavin: OK fine, my dad is moving away to new your for work and I don't know how long he is going to be there for. (he could barley talk)

Piper: ahh gavin it will be OK you can call your dad everyday and always stay in contact with him your da d is such a nice person I am sure you don't need to worry about it.

Gavin: thanks pipes, love you sis

Piper: love you bro

They were both crying at this point. Then they left the room with tear marks and lev came over to piper and Coco came over to gavin.

Coco: what's up gavin

Gavin: ill tell you later Quinn

Lev: what's the matter pipes

Piper: ill tell you later

Anyways moving on 1 hour

Piper and the rest of them were sitting watching a movie again and symone and ayden fell asleep cuddling.

Everyone exept ayden and symone: ah how cute.

Symone: what?

Ayden: what's going on symone...

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