Chapter 1: Severus' Punishment

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AN: Here are a few side stories from all 3 parts of the Kitty Series.

After hours in the darkened cell, he heard the opening of a door and footsteps coming closer. Severus looked up as the door opens to reveal Raymond Suarez. "It's time for your punishment."

Severus nodded and got up and followed him out of the dungeon and up the stairs. After a minute he asked, "What will I be doing?"

Ray smirked back at him, "You'll see."

Severus feels dread settle over his shoulders as he follows his fellow Death Eater up another set of stairs into a bright hallway. He wasn't sure exactly what sort of punishment he was going to receive but it had something to do with whatever Suarez had to do. It didn't seem like anything bad because he looked...happy with whatever job it was. Not that the same would go for Severus.

They arrived at a set of double doors and they opened up into a spacious room with a magnificent screen attached to the wall that he knew to be a television. There was a nice comfortable couch in the middle of the room with an armchair on either side, all facing the television. The room was bright with sunlight streaming through the row of windows on the opposite side.

"Impressive isn't it?" Suarez commented, "Nothing but the best for Harry."

Harry? Severus looked around, All this is for Potter?

The room was empty at the moment and quiet, but he had a feeling it wasn't always. He wasn't sure what he was doing here, it didn't seem like a place that would hold any type of punishment if anything it looked like a place to relax.

"Okay. Start fluffing pillows."

Severus blinked and looked at Suarez, unsure if he heard correctly, "...what?" he asked quietly.

Suarez picked up one of the multiple pillows on the couch and threw it at him, which he caught. "You heard me, start fluffing. Harry will be back here in a bit."


Suarez lifted a brow, "So," he said slowly, "Harry likes his pillows fluffed. And after that, you need to make sure we have enough milk in the fridge."

Severus frowned, "I am not here to play servant to Potter, I am here for whatever my punishment is. Nothing more."

Suarez chuckled and shook his head, "Oh Severus," he chuckled again and looked up at him, "You kind of are."

Severus swore he felt his heart stop and the dread he had been feeling pressed even closer. "What?"

"The Dark Lord has put you on Harry duty. You have to watch over him while our Lord is busy, meaning you have to follow him where ever he does and do whatever he says. And the fact that Harry doesn't like you...well, you're basically his slave."

Severus paled and suddenly he felt like he was going to be sick. Surely Suarez was kidding, this had to be some kind of joke, there was no way...

Suarez nodded at the horrified look on the normally stoic man's face. He pointed at the pillow, "Get fluffing."


About an hour later Harry came waddling in, well-rested, and a blissful smile on his face.

"Hello Harry," Ray said, "Enjoy your nap?"

"Yes," Harry purred happily. He stopped suddenly as he spotted the man by the window, "Snape."

Severus glared at the spawn of his enemy, "Potter." Harry suddenly grinned evilly which made him tense up in uncertainty.

"Oh, Snape~," Harry said sweetly.

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