Chapter 3: How I discovered my powers

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- Ein's Prov
It's been.... 3 months since my pup has been put into a coma..... I shouldn't have let him gone to school that day..... but he had to go to school... I should've been able to keep him safe from that monster who hurt my son..... I'm right now sitting in a cushioned chair next to my son holding his hand and talking to him because the doctors here said it's possible Aidan can hear me but his eye lids are too heavy for him to open at the moment... "Aidan?" I said quietly "I....I don't know if you can hear me in there.....but I am so.. so very sorry" I started as tears were streaming down my face "I-I am so very sorry for not being a better father!" I sobbed into my son's arm "I wasn't able to protect you when it's my job as your father to keep you and your sister safe!" I sobbed knowing how awful I was at protecting my youngest pup..... my wife would've been crying daily by his side until he woke up but.... she vanished when Aidan was just 3 years old.... "I'm so very sorry Aidan, please forgive me!" I begged Aidan if he can hear me "Please come back Aidan.... don't leave me here..." I begged for him to come back and to wake up "I promise.... from now on.... I will never let this happen to you ever again" I vowed, I vowed to never let anything like this happen to Aidan OR Eveline EVER again!

- 3 Months Later (6 Months In Total)

- Aidan's Prov
I woke up to a very echoey version of my favourite song and hearing very echoey voices "What are you doing?" I heard an unfamiliar female voice ask someone "He loves this song" said another unfamiliar but male voice "How could you possibly know that?" the female voice asked "I checked his Facebook page, plus his sister told me what his favourite song is because I asked her, I mean he can still hear everything, right?" I heard the male voice reply "Well, auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate" said the female voice as their voices are becoming more clearly and my vision is like tunnelled but clearing up and I gasped shooting up from the bed right after I could see everything perfectly and saw a man and woman and they looked scared as I shot up from the bed as I'm panting "Oh my Irene!" the man yelled "Where the hell am I?" I asked panicking "He's awake!" the female exclaimed and the man called someone as the lady grabbed a flashlight and shinned it in my eyes "BP 170 over 110, pulse 120, pupils are equally reactive to light" said the woman as I was trying to get her to stop as I was getting up "Whoa whoa, relax" said the man setting his hand on my right shoulder "Everything is alright kiddo, you're at Ro'Meave industries" he told me "Ro'Meave industries?" I asked "Who are you people?" I asked the two as the woman put something in my ear "My name is Hunter Valkrum, on your aunt Aphmau's side, your cousin Alina is my step-cousin" said the man named Hunter "And she's Samantha- Dr. Phoenix" said Hunter then the woman named Samantha showed me a cup with a lid "I need you to urinate in this" she told me then Hunter took it "Not this second, if my cousin found out I let you do that, she'd unleash hell on me" said Hunter "What the hell is happening?! What is going on!?" I asked/demanded because the last thing I remember was getting blasted by a Speedster "You were blasted by a Speedster's lightning dude!" Hunter exclaimed to me "What?" I asked shocked then I looked at the camera that was monitoring me and saw I have abs which is not what I normally have "Lightning...gave me abs?" I asked very confused now "Your muscles should be atrophied, but... instead they're in a chronic and unexplainable state of cellular regeneration" said Samantha then Hunter grabbed both my shoulders backing up "Come here, sit down" said Hunter helping me sit on the bed I was on "You were in a coma" he told me and I looked shocked at him because how long was I asleep for!?! "For how long!?" I asked a bit scared "6 months" said a voice behind me and I saw a man wearing a black leather jacket

and saw Dad next to him! "I never thought I'd get to see my pup wake up ever again" he told me as he was smiling with tears in his eyes so I ran to him, jumped at him and he caught me hugging me tightly then he set me down "We have a lot to talk a...

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and saw Dad next to him! "I never thought I'd get to see my pup wake up ever again" he told me as he was smiling with tears in his eyes so I ran to him, jumped at him and he caught me hugging me tightly then he set me down "We have a lot to talk about" he told me as he wrapped his left arm around my neck pulling me to him as we left then Hunter tossed me a shirt and I put it on and after Dad explained to me what happened over the past 6 months and Eveline came to visit me every day and explained that after that Speedster attacked me, there's never been 1 sighting of him ever since and that Particle Accelerator Evan and I have been working weeks for turned out to have gotten some people killed from the explosion and their deaths in my opinion are all my fault... but they don't blame me because no one knew that was going to happen OR that the school would be attacked by a Speedster but I am UNIMAGINABLY lucky that I didn't get expelled from school, after a few days of recovering and surprising everyone I know, knows that I'm awake and that I scared everyone I care about half to death because they thought I was never going to wake up and I noticed something REALLY weird lately, things around me always slow down like I looked at a bird and it was in the air flying in slow motion and I have NEVER seen that happen before or like, one time at school, there was this school bully that likes to bully me most and before he could punch me, he was in slow motion so I moved out of the way and he punched a locker behind me and broke his hand but was suspended for trying to attack me and right now Evan is visiting and he was going on about how awesome it was that we got a good view of a Speedster 6 months ago and I was just as excited as him "But the downside is that no one might believe us" I told him "We all saw the Speedster blast you with his lightning, their gonna have to believe us if the whole school can vouch for us" he told me confidently and he dropped my sketchbook so I saw it moving in slow motion so I ran to catch it but then I felt this electricity running through me and I got my sketchbook BUT I HAVE A TRAIL OF TURQUOISE LIGHTNING BEHIND ME!?

 but they don't blame me because no one knew that was going to happen OR that the school would be attacked by a Speedster but I am UNIMAGINABLY lucky that I didn't get expelled from school, after a few days of recovering and surprising everyone I ...

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then I slammed my back into my bed "UGH!" I grunted "WHAT THE!?" Evan yelled shocked then I stood up and I held my hand up and we both saw my hand was blurry because it was moving left and right so fast that it's blurry and we both looked so shocked that I'm doing this but then we realized...I'M A SPEEDSTER!.

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