Chapter 7: Explaining who I am

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- Aidan's Prov
So I have been in Starlight Wonderland for like 5 hours in the past in the year 2018 and I haven't found SHRAP! I am getting very frustrated because I can't find Mom and Dad's past selves and I can stay here for as long as I want and I can just return to the exact moment I left and it'll be like I never left in the first place, so that's a good thing, anyway, I looked for the house the Wolfweres are staying at and the receptionist told me where the house is and gave me a map so I thanked her and sped off after I was out of sight and thank Irene I still have my speed or I'd be BEYOND screwed right now because if I lost my speed, I would be trapped in the past forever, anyway, I got to where the house is and fun fact: I got Hunter to make all my clothes friction-proof so I can use my speed as much as I want, anyway, I went to the door and knocked on the door and Uncle Aaron's past self opened the door "Hi" I said "Hi" said Uncle Aaron's past self "We need to talk, can I come in please?" I told/asked him so he moved out of my way and I walked in "Can you get everyone that's staying here over here like right now please Aaron?" I asked "How do you know my name?" Aaron asked "I promise I'll explain as soon as everyone is here" I replied then he called everyone and my big sister looks a lot smaller in this timeline, well, of course she would! I haven't been born yet, after everyone was wondering who I am, I turned to Ein and Mom "I'm...your son, Aidan" I told Ein and Mom "And Eveline's little brother" I explained "From the future" I added "From the year 2049" I told them what year I'm from and that's like 31 years from now and I have studied everything I could that happened since this year and I even told everyone I have proof I'm Eveline's little brother and from the future and after I gave Ein and Mom my parental test results before I came here, they said my test results have Ein's D.N.A and Mom's D.N.A just the same as Eveline and I even did more tests and did a lie detector test and I passed it with flying colors "Also, I forgot to mention in my timeline about a month and a half ago, something happened to me during the science fair at school" I told everyone "What happened?" Aunt Melissa asked me "Have you ever heard of The Flash?" I asked them and Garroth has "Well, the Speed Force and speedsters? they are real" I told them "And I'm a Speedster" I told them my way of saying I have superpowers but they didn't believe me so I showed them my right hand started vibrating it and they were unbelievably shocked that I'm moving my hand this fast then I had my lightning in my eyes "Watch this" I told them then I started running around the house with my turquoise lightning behind me "Ho! Never get tired of that!" I exclaimed after I stopped running because I can never get enough of using my powers "How is that even possible!?" Mom exclaimed "Well, I was attacked by an evil Speedster who calls himself The Reverse-Velocity and he blasted me with 5 billion joules of electricity and I slammed into a shelf and was covered in mixed chemicals in the science fair and I was in a coma" I told them "A what?" Eveline asked "A coma" I replied "What's a coma?" Eveline asked confused and I forgot Eveline is a child so she doesn't know what most words mean yet like from my timeline "How can I explain this?" I asked myself "A coma is like someone being put to sleep but for a very long time and there's even a chance that you can never wake up again from that said coma" I tried explaining to Eveline what a coma is in a way she can understand "And just how long were you in a coma for?" Zane asked me "6 months" I replied "6 MONTHS!?" Dad and Mom yelled shocked "And when I woke up, I was perfectly fine, I even got abs and nothing in my body was weak, in fact, it was just as it was before I was put into a coma" I explained "And about a week later, my best friend Evan and I discovered my speed and I became a superhero" I told them a short version of my origin story "In my timeline, as a hero, people have a name for me" I told them "And that name is?" Aunt Aphmau asked "Velocity" I told them "Because I can't use The Flash because that name is taken so they came up with the name Velocity for me" I told everyone and they were shocked that not only am I from the future but I'm also a superhero "And I became the fastest teenager alive" I finished smiling "And I love being a hero, I always felt like something in my life was missing but now I found out why, and now ever since I became Velocity, it's been the best and worst moments in my entire life" I told them and after a bunch of tests and telling my parents and big sister's past selves my life stories like how I learned how to run on walls, how to run on water, how to do a supersonic punch, how to vibrate my vocal cords so my voice is vibrate-y so no one can recognize my voice and everyone thought it was super cool how I can vibrate my vocal cords, how I learned how to create wind funnels with my arms basically creating tornadoes on my arms, and finally, how I learned how to phase and time travel and I told them I have never gone as fast as mach 2 and that's about as fast as I can go and I'll hit mach 3 soon but right now I have to stick to what I can handle before I'm ready for a new power to unlock and after all the tests, they all came positive and that I'm telling the truth and that I am Ein's son and Eveline's little brother from the future and hopefully I can find Kai before he tries to kill Dad and Eveline and stop Mom from ever disappearing.

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